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Omedo, Irene, Polycarp Mogeni, Kirk Rockett, Alice Kamau, Christina Hubbart, Anna Jeffreys, Lynette Isabella Ochola-Oyier, Etienne P Villiers, Caroline W Gitonga, Abdisalan M Noor, Robert W Snow, Dominic Kwiatkowski, and Philip Bejon. "Geographic-genetic analysis of Plasmodium falciparum parasite populations from surveys of primary school children in Western Kenya." (2017) Wellcome Open Research.
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Githinji, Sophie, Robinson Oyando, Josephine Malinga, Waqo Ejersa, David Soti, Josea Rono, Robert W Snow, Ann M Buff, and Abdisalan M Noor. "Completeness of malaria indicator data reporting via the District Health Information Software 2 in Kenya, 2011-2015." (2017) Malaria Journal.
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Bennett, Adam, Lawrence Kazembe, Don P Mathanga, Damaris Kinyoki, Doreen Ali, Robert W Snow, and Abdisalan M Noor. "Mapping malaria transmission intensity in Malawi, 2000-2010." The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 89, no. 5 (2013): 840-849.
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