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Showing 1-30 of 529
Journal Article
Tavo V, Leslie.
Mécanismes D’identification Linguistique et Jeunesse Urbaine à Port-Vila (Vanuatu): Une Approche Anthropologique
Journal de la Société des Océanistes , no. 133 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
Leslie, Emily.
Making a living in Vanuatu: Livelihoods and development in peri-urban Port Vila
Master Thesis, University of Otago, 2013.
Journal Article
Poustie, Michael S, and Ana Deletic.
Modeling integrated urban water systems in developing countries: case study of Port Vila, Vanuatu
Ambio 43, no. 8 (2014): 1093-1111.
Journal Article
Freyer, Ana Vila, Eduardo Fernández Guzmán, and Perla Carpio Ovando.
Migración en tiempos de crisis: exploraciones del concepto de resiliencia social transnacional en Apaseo el Alto, Guanajuato, México
Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana 24, no. 46 (2016).
Journal Article
Jones, Holly A, and Karen E Charlton.
A Cross-sectional Analysis of the Cost and Affordability of Achieving Recommended Intakes of Non-starchy Fruits and Vegetables in the Capital of Vanuatu
(2015) BMC Public Health.
Journal Article
Lindstrom, Lamont.
Urbane Tannese: Local Perspectives on Settlement Life in Port Vila
Journal de la Société des Océanistes , no. 133 (2011).
Journal Article
Ndangalasi, Henry J, Cosmas Mligo, and Ester F Mvungi.
Composition and size class structure of tree species in Ihang’ana forest reserve, Mufindi district, Tanzania
Tanzania Journal of Science 40, no. 1 (2014): 1-12.
Journal Article
Pizarro-Neyra, José.
Peruvian Children's Folk Taxonomy of Marine Animals
(2011) Ethnobiology Letters.
Journal Article
Stern, Monika.
Digital Developments, Copyright and Music Circulation in Port Vila, Vanuatu
First Monday 19, no. 10 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Kraemer, Daniela.
Planting Roots, Making Place: An Ethnography of Young Men in Port Vila, Vanuatu
PhD Thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), 2013.
Journal Article
Bansilal, Sarah.
What can we learn from the KZN ANA results?
SA-educ Journal 9, no. 2 (2012).
Working Paper
Freyer, Eckhard, Studentische Teammitglieder, Martin Baldauf, Sascha Behrens, Benjamin Farina, and David Matzanke.
Geldanlage bei Inflationsrisiken und politischen Risiken Das RES-Modell. Kapitalanlagestrategien im 3-Säulen-System
Journal Article
Kanjee, Anil, and Qetelo Moloi.
South African teachers' use of national assessment data
South African Journal of Childhood Education 4, no. 2 (2014): 90-113.
Thesis or Dissertation
Guerino B, Patricia.
Mulheres que Trabalham no Tráfico de Drogas Vila Nossa Senhora da Luz - CIC
Bacharelado, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2012.
Castro Martín, Teresa, and Marta Roig Vila.
Immigrant mothers, Spanish babies: Childbearing patterns of foreign women in Spain
Journal Article
Pons, M.J., C Gomes, S Martínez-Puchol, L Ruiz, L Mensa, J Vila, J Gascón, and J Ruiz.
Antimicrobial resistance in Shigella spp. causing traveller’s diarrhoea (1995e2010): A retrospective analysis
Travel medicine and infectious disease 11, no. 5 (2013): 315-319.
Conference Paper
Perch, Leisa, and Rathin Roy.
Social policy in a post-crisis context of small island developing states: A synthesis
Pacific Conference on the Human Face of the Global Economic Crisis 10-12 February 2010 Port Vila.
Working Paper
Hernandez, Claudia Milena, and Claudia Milena.
Migracion colombiana en La Argentina
Working Paper
Vila, Claudio.
Aspectos demograficos de la mano de obra: un analisis de la encuesta nacional continua de mano de obra de Chile (VII-X, 1966)
(1971) CELADE.
Journal Article
Wittersheim, Éric.
Paradise for sale. The sweet illusions of economic growth in Vanuatu
Journal de la Société des Océanistes , no. 133 (2011).
Working Paper
Rodrigues Varela, Simão Paulo.
Educação e capital social para o desenvolvimento sustentável da comunidade piscatória em Cabo Verde
Durutalo, Alumita.
A kind of mending Restorative Justice in the Pacific Islands
Canberra, Australia: ANU E Press, 2003.
Journal Article
Rosario, Edite Vila Nova, Diogo Costa, Diogo Francisco, and Miguel Brito.
HDSS profile: the Dande health and demographic surveillance system (Dande HDSS, Angola)
(2017) International Journal of Epidemiology.
Journal Article
Vilá, Montserrat Magem M, Xochitl Reyes V Moreno, and Lucía R Sampayo.
Empoderamiento de niñas y jóvenes en El Salvador: una estrategia para la construcción de Cultura de Paz/ Empowerment of girls and young women in El Salvador: a strategy for building a Culture of Peace
Metamorfosis 4, no. 4 (2016): 45-58.
Working Paper
Leach, Michael, James Scambary, Mattthew Clarke, Simon Feeny, and Heather Wallac.
Attitudes to national identity among tertiary students in Melanesia and Timor Leste: a comparative analysis
(2012) State, Society & Governance in Melanesia.
Journal Article
Monzon, Ana Silvia, Sarah Keogh, Ana Lucia Ramazzini, Elena Prada, Melissa Stillman, and Ellie Leong.
De la Normativa a la Práctica: la Política y el Currículo de Educación en Sexualidad y su Implementación en Guatemala
(2017) Guttmacher Institute.
Journal Article
KonnoI, Silvia C, Ana Lucia L de Lima, Wolney L CondeI, Ana Carolina F da Silva, Maria H D’Aquino Benicio, and Carlos A Monteiro.
Causes for the decline in child under-nutrition in Brazil, 1996
Rev Saúde Pública 43, no. 1 (2009).
Journal Article
Challis, David, Felicia Knaul, Gustavo Nigenda, Miguel Angel Ramirez, Ana Cristina Torres, Ana Mylena Aguilar, Mariana Lopez Ortega, and Jose Luis Torres.
Case-study Mexico
(2003) Long-term care.
Journal Article
Coronado–Salas, Citlalhit, Fernando Díaz–Barriga, Ana Rosa Moreno–Sánchez, Leticia Carrizales–Yáñez, Rocio Torres–Nerio, Yei Jazmín Rentería–Guzmán, and Ana Cristina Cubillas–Tejeda.
La comunicación de riesgos como una herramienta para disminuir la exposición infantil a plomo y arsénico en la zona contaminada de Villa de la Paz–Matehuala, San Luis Potosí, México
Revista internacional de contaminación ambiental 28, no. 2 (2012): 167-181.
Working Paper
Sibanda, Lucy, and Mellony Graven.
Applying a Linguistic Complexity Checklist and Formulae to the 2013 Grade 4 Mathematics National Assessments
Showing 1-30 of 529