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Book Section
Ntuli N, Anthony. "Sustainable development in the regions and countries." (2014) Foreign direct investment and the tourism sector in Kenya.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ntuli, Abigail. "An examination of the role of antenatal care attendance in preventing adverse birth outcomes in South Africa." Masters, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2010.
Ntuli, Antoinette, Solani Khosa, and David McCoy. The equity gauge. South Africa: Health Systems Trust, 1999.
Crisp, Nicholas, and Antoinette Ntuli. South African Health Review 1999. Durban, South Africa: Health Systems Trust, 1999.
Pelser, Eric, Antoinette Louw, and Sipho Ntuli. Poor safety: Crime and policing in South Africa's rural areas. South Africa: Institute for Security Studies, 2000.
Journal Article
Kwenda, Prudence, and Miracle Ntuli. "A Detailed Decomposition Analysis of the Public-Private Sector Wage Gap in South Africa." (2015)
Ntuli, Antoinette. South African Health Review 1998. Durban, South Africa: Health Systems Trust, 1998.
Journal Article
Niikondo, Hileni, Muhammad Hoque, and Busi Ntuli-Ngcobo. "Knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS among home-based caregivers in Namibia." Journal of Public Health in Africa 2, no. 1 (2011): e6.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ntuli, Miracle. "Exploring the status of african women in the South African labour market 1995-2004." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cape Town, 2009.
Working Paper
Bargain, Olivier, Prudence Kwenda, and Miracle Ntuli. "Gender bias and the intrahousehold distribution of resources." (2017) WIDER Working Paper.
Journal Article
Ibekwe, CM, ME Hoque, and B Ntuli-Ngcobo. "Perceived barriers of cervical cancer screening among women attending Mahalapye district hospital, Botswana." Archives of Clinical Microbiology 2, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Ibekwe, CM, ME Hoque, and B Ntuli-Ngcobo. "Perceived benefits of cervical cancer screening among women attending Mahalapye District Hospital, Botswana." Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 11, no. 4 (2010): 1021-1027.
Journal Article
Ibekwe, Chidiebere Maquincy, Muhammad Ehsanul Hoque, and Busi Ntuli-Ngcobo. "Perceived susceptibility of cervical cancer screening among women attending Mahalapye district hospital, Botswana." Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection 25, no. 2 (2010): 16-21.
Journal Article
Hoque, Muhammad, CM Ibekwe, and Busi Ntuli-Ngcobo. "Screening and perceived severity of cervical cancer among women attending Mahalapye District Hospital, Botswana." (2009) Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention.
Yeh, Anthony GO, Anthony GO Yeh, Jiang Xu, and Kaizhi Liu. China's post-reform urbanization: retrospect, policies and trends. 1 ed. Vol. 5. : IIED, 2011.
Journal Article
Balzaretti, Aleandro, Aline P Silva, Gustavo Rech, and Tullio Da Sois. "Coligação Unidos Pelo Brasil: Uma Terceira Via à Brasileira." Cultura Cientifica 1, no. 2 (2014).
Journal Article
Etyang, Anthony O, Ben Warne, Sailoki Kapesa, Kenneth Munge, Evasius Bauni, Kennedy J Cruickshank, Liam Smeeth, and Anthony J G Scott. "Clinical and Epidemiological Implications of 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring for the Diagnosis of Hypertension in Kenyan Adults: A Population-Based Study." Journal of the American Heart Association 5, no. 12 (2016): e004797.
Journal Article
Makau, Anthony, Anthony G Waititu, and Joseph K Mung’atu. "Multinomial Logistic Regression for Modeling Contraceptive Use Among Women of Reproductive Age in Kenya." American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics 5, no. 4 (2016): 242-251.
Journal Article
Mwenda, Samwel N, Anthony Kibira Wanjoya, and Anthony Gichuhi Waititu. "Analysis of Tobacco Smoking Patterns in Kenya Using the Multinomial Logit Model." American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics 4, no. 3 (2015): 89-98.
Journal Article
Ismail, Amina, Collins Tabu, Iheoma Onuekwusi, Samuel K Otieno, Peter Ademba, Peter Kamau, Beatrice Koki, Anthony Ngatia, Anthony Wainaina, and Robert Davis. "Micro-planning in a wide age range measles rubella (MR) campaign using mobile phone app, a case of Kenya, 2016." The Pan African Medical Journal 27 (Supp 3), no. 16 (2016).
Journal Article
Amoah, Anthony, Davis Adu Larbi, Daniel Offei, and Anthony Panin. "In gov we trust: the less we pay for improved electricity supply in Ghana." Energy, Sustainability and Society 7, no. 1 (2017).
Working Paper
Pereire Leite, Sergio, Anthony Pellechio, Luisa Zanforlin, Girma Begashaw, Stefania Fabrizio, and Joachim Harnack. "Ghana: economic development in a democratic environment." IMF Occasional papers , no. 199 (2000).
Conference Paper
Tsekpo, Anthony, and Charles D Jebuni. "Budget Implementation and Poverty Reduction in Ghana." International Conference on “Ghana at Half-Century”. Accra, Ghana, July, 2004.
Anthony, David, and Chris Brazier. The state of the world's children 2011: Adolescence an age of opportunity. : United Nations Pubns, 2011.
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Journal Article
Ceesay, Serign J, Climent Casals-Pascual, Davis C Nwakanma, Michael Walther, Natalia Gomez-Escobar, Anthony J Fulford, Ebako N Takem, Sarah Nogaro, Kalifa A Bojang, Tumani Corrah, Momodou C Jaye, Makie A Taal, Aja A Sonko, and David J Conway. "Continued decline of malaria in The Gambia with implications for elimination." PloS one 5, no. 8 (2010): e1224.
Working Paper
Hodges, Anthony, Khurelmaa Dashdorj, Kang Yun Jong, Anne-Claire Dufay, Uranchimeg Budragchaa, and Tuya Mungun. "Child benefits and poverty reduction: Evidence from Mongolia’s Child Money Programme." (2007) Maastricht University Maastricht Graduate School of Governance; UNICEF.
Journal Article
Beilenson C, Anthony. "Politics and society: Political challenges of confronting population growth." (1996) Human population and the environmental crisis.
Journal Article
Lawn, Joy E, Anthony Costello, Charles Mwansambo, and David Osrin. "Countdown to 2015: will the Millennium Development Goal for child survival be met?." Archives of disease in childhood 92, no. 6 (2007): 551-556.
Ssengooba, Freddie, Stella Neema, Anthony Mbonye, Olive Sentubwe, and Virgil Onama. Maternal health review Uganda. : Health Systems Development, 2003.
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