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Journal Article
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Chandramohan, Sandhya, and Raisuyah Bhagwan. "Spirituality and spiritual care in in the context of nursing education in South Africa." Curationis 38, no. 1 (2015): 15-pages.
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Kitata, Reta Birhanu, and Bhagwan Singh Chandravanshi. "Concentration levels of major and trace metals in onion (Allium cepa L.) and irrigation water around Meki Town and Lake Ziway, Ethiopia." Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia 26, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Ramesh, Anjana, Darshan Bhagwan, Ramesh Holla, Bhaskaran Unnikrishnan, Rekha Thapar, Prasann Mithra, Nithin Kumar, and Vaman Kulkarni. "Knowledge and Perception towards Female Feticide among Adolescents of Coastal South India." National Journal of Community Medicine 7, no. 9 (2016): 736-740.
Journal Article
Bresick, Graham, Abdul-Rauf Sayed, Cynthia Le Grange, Susheela Bhagwan, Nayna Manga, and Derek Hellenberg. "Western Cape Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) study: Measuring primary care organisation and performance in the Western Cape Province, South Africa (2013)." African journal of primary health care & family medicine 8, no. 1 (2016): 1-12.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rojas, Lorena Etcheberry. "Mujeres en una empresa minera chilena cuerpos y emociones en trabajos masculinizados." Magíster en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Correia De Almeida, Nene. "The Difficult Choices of a Post-Colonial State: Timor-Leste and International Educational Aid." Master of International Relations , School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 2015.
Journal Article
Ndinda, Catherine, Tidings Ndhlovu, and Nene Ernest Khalema. "Conceptions of Contraceptive Use in Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Lessons for Programming." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, no. 4 (2017): 353.
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Diaz Bustamante, Patricia. "Desempleo en la provincia de Nuble, caracterizacion de los afectados." Ingeniero Comercial, Universidad del Bio-Bio, 2014.
Book Section
Khalema, Nene Ernest, Catherine Ndinda, Monde Blessing Makiwane, Mohamed Vawda, Lungelo V Bhembe, Nteboheleng Mahapa, and Ndoda Zondo. "Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Retrospect." (2015) (Ad)dressing Sexual Reproductive Health Issues and Its Determinants in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa: Evidence from a Situational Analysis of Millennium Development Goals Indicators.
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