
Showing 1-3 of 3
Thesis or Dissertation
Cahaya R, Fitra. "Labour Practices and Decent Work Disclosures in Indonesia." PhD thesis, Curtin University, 2011.
Journal Article
Praptiningsih, Catharina Y, Kathryn E Lafond, Yunita Wahyuningrum, Aaron D Storms, Amalya Mangiri, Angela D Iuliano, Gina Samaan, Christiana R Titaley, Fitra Yelda, Jennifer Kreslake, Douglas Storey, and Timothy M Uyeki. "Healthcare-seeking behaviors for acute respiratory illness in two communities of Java, Indonesia: a cross-sectional survey." Journal of epidemiology and global health 6, no. 2 (2016): 77-86.
Thesis or Dissertation
Siagian I, Cahaya. "Analysis of Food Consumption Situation and Needs in Papua Province." Undergraduate Theses, BOGOR Agricultural University, 2012.
Showing 1-3 of 3