
Showing 1-12 of 12
Thesis or Dissertation
Magesa, Emmanuel. "Assessment of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of female secondary school learners on emergency contraception in Ongwediva, Oshana Region.." Master of Public Health, University of Namibia, 2014.
Journal Article
Behets, Frieda, Andrew Edmonds, François Kitenge, François Crabbe, and Marie Laga. "Heterogeneous and decreasing HIV prevalence among women seeking antenatal care in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo." International journal of epidemiology 39, no. 4 (2010): 1066.
Working Paper
Maman, Suzanne, Rebecca Cathcart, Gillian Burkhardt, Serge Omba, Deidre Thompson, and Frieda Behets. "The infant feeding choices and experiences of women living with HIV in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo." (2011) Department of Health Behavior and Health Education .
Journal Article
Pettifor, Audrey, Eboni Taylor, David Nku, Sandra Duvall, Martine Tabala, Kashamuka Mwandagalirwa, Steve Meshnick, and Frieda Behets. "Free distribution of insecticide treated bed nets to pregnant women in Kinshasa: an effective way to achieve 80% use by women and their newborns." Tropical Medicine & International Health 14, no. 1 (2009): 20-28.
Journal Article
Randrianasolo, Bodo, Teresa Swezey, Kathleen Van Damme, Maria Khan, Noro Ravelomanana, Ny Lovaniaina Rabenja, M. Raharinivo, April J Bell, Denise Jamieson, and Frieda Behets. "Barriers to the use of modern contraceptives and implications for woman-controlled prevention of sexually transmitted infections in Madagascar." Journal of biosocial science 40, no. 6 (2010): 879.
Journal Article
Becker-Dreps, Sylvia, Andrea Biddle, Audrey Pettifor, Gertrude Musuamba, David Nku Imbie, Steven Meshnick, and Frieda Behets. "Cost-effectiveness of adding bed net distribution for malaria prevention to antenatal services in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 81, no. 3 (2009): 496.
Journal Article
Prayitno, Ari, Anne-Frieda Taurel, Joshua Nealon, Hindra I Satari, Mulya R Karyanti, Rini Sekartini, Soedjatmiko Soedjatmiko, Hartono Gunardi, Bernie E Medise, Tedjo R Sasmono, James M Simmerman, Alain Bouckenooghe, and Sri R Hadinegoro. "Dengue seroprevalence and force of primary infection in a representative population of urban dwelling Indonesian children." PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11, no. 6 (2017).
Journal Article
Nealon, Joshua, Anne-Frieda Taurel, Maria Rosario Capeding, Ngoc Huu Tran, Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, Tawee Chotpitayasunondh, Chee Kheong Chong, Anh T Wartel, Sophie Beucher, and Carina Frago. "Symptomatic dengue disease in five southeast Asian countries: epidemiological evidence from a dengue vaccine trial." PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10, no. 8 (2016): e0004918.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shimpanda, Frieda. "Assessing the effects of social safety nets on poverty in Namibia: analysis of food expenditure of elderly persons." Master of Science, University of Namibia, 2016.
Journal Article
Seth, Puja, Daniel Kidder, Sherri Pals, Julie Parent, Redempta Mbatia, Kipruto Chesang, Deogratius Mbilinyi, Emily Koech, Mathias Nkingwa, and Frieda Katuta. "Psychosocial functioning and depressive symptoms among HIV-positive persons receiving care and treatment in Kenya, Namibia, and Tanzania." Prevention Science 15, no. 3 (2014): 318-328.
Journal Article
Medley, Amy, Puja Seth, Sonal Pathak, Andrea A Howard, Nickolas DeLuca, Eva Matiko, Abubakari Mwinyi, Frieda Katuta, Mushin Sheriff, and Neema Makyao. "Alcohol use and its association with HIV risk behaviors among a cohort of patients attending HIV clinical care in Tanzania, Kenya, and Namibia." AIDS care 26, no. 10 (2014): 1288-1297.
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