
Showing 1-20 of 20
Journal Article
Etang-Ndip, Alvin, JGM Hoogeveen, and Julia Lendorfer. "Socioeconomic impact of the crisis in north Mali on displaced people." (2015)
Alderman, Harold, Johannes Hoogeveen, and Mariacristina Rossi. Preschool nutrition and subsequent schooling attainment: longitudinal evidence from Tanzania. 2008.
Okwero, Peter, Ajay Tandon, Susan Sparkes, Julie McLaughlin, and Johannes G Hoogeveen. Fiscal space for health in Uganda. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank Publications, 2010.
Journal Article
Alderman, Harold, Hans Hoogeveen, and Mariacristina Rossi. "Reducing child malnutrition in Tanzania: Combined effects of income growth and program interventions." Economics & Human Biology 4, no. 1 (2006): 1-23.
Working Paper
Croke, Kevin, Andrew Dabalen, Gabriel Demombynes, Marcelo Giugale, and Johannes Hoogeveen. "Collecting high-frequency data using mobile phones: Do timely data lead to accountability?." (2013)
Journal Article
Hoogeveen, Johannes G, and Youdi Schipper. "Correcting Survey Non-Response With Census Data." (2005) Journal of African Statistics.
Working Paper
Hoogeveen, Johannes G, and Berk Özler. "Not separate, not equal: Poverty and inequality in post-Apartheid South Africa." William Davidson Institute Working Paper no. 739 , no. wp739 (2005).
Journal Article
Datt, Gaurav, and Hans Hoogeveen. "El Niño or El Peso? Crisis, poverty and income distribution in the Philippines." World Development 31, no. 7 (2003): 1103-1124.
Paracchini, Maria Luisa, Jan-Erik Petersen, Ybele Hoogeveen, Catharina Bamps, Ian Burfield, and Chris Swaay. High nature value farmland in Europe. 2008.
Journal Article
Groover, Kimberly, Bradford Mills, and Carlo Ninno. "Climatic Shocks and Poverty Dynamics in Mozambique." (2015) Safety Nets in Africa: Effective Mechanisms to Reach the Poor and Most Vulnerable.
Journal Article
Okwi, Paul O, J. M. G Hoogeveen, Tom Emwanu, Vincent Linderhof, and John Begumana. "Welfare and Environment in Rural Uganda: Results from a Small-Area Estimation Approach." African Statistical Journal , no. 3 (2006).
Journal Article
Hoogeveen G, Johannes. "Measuring welfare for small but vulnerable groups: Poverty and disability in Uganda." Journal of African Economies 14, no. 4 (2005): 603-631.
Working Paper
Hoogeveen, Johannes G, Mariacristina Rossi, and Dario Sansone. "Drivers of performance in primary education in Togo." CERP WP , no. 145/14 (2014).
Okwi, Paul O, Vincent Linderhof, Johannes G Hoogeveen, Thomas Emwanu, and John Begumana. Welfare and Environment in Rural Uganda. 2006.
Working Paper
Lilenstein, Kezia, Ingrid Woolard, and Murray Leibbrandt. "In-work Poverty in South Africa: The Impact of Income Sharing in the Presence of High Unemployment." (2016) Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit.
Etang-Ndip, Alvin, Johannes Hoogeveen, and Julia Lendorfer. Impact socio-economique de la crise au nord du Mali sur les personnes deplacees. : Bamako, 2014.
Book Section
Gaddis, Isis, and Johannes Hoogeveen. "Preparing the Next Generation in Tanzania." (2015) Primary Education in Mainland Tanzania: What Do the Data Tell Us? .
Atkinson, Anthony B, and Maria Ana Lugo. Growth, poverty and distribution in Tanzania. 2010.
Journal Article
Demombynes, Gabriel, and Johannes G Hoogeveen. "Growth, Inequality and Simulated Poverty Paths for Tanzania, 1992-2002." Journal of African Economies 16, no. 4 (2007): 596-628.
Working Paper
Dekker, Marleen, and Johannes Hoogeveen. "Trends in non-consumption dimensions of welfare for Tanzania 1992-2001." (2006)
Showing 1-20 of 20