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Showing 1-30 of 688
Journal Article
Lanuza, Gerardo, and Jed Martin Tingson.
Disasters and State of Exception: Tacloban, Yolanda, and the Political Thought of Giorgio Agamben.
Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia 52, no. 1 (2016): 38-62.
Conference Paper
Mazumder, Prasenjit, Md Haibul Jamil, CK Das, and Md Abdul Matin.
Hybrid energy optimization: An ultimate solution to the power crisis of St. Martin Island, Bangladesh
Strategic Technology (IFOST), 9th International Forum .
October 21-23, 2014.
Mullis, Ina VS, and Michael O Martin.
Overview of TIMSS 2007
Thesis or Dissertation
Fioravanti, Serena.
Kataa Unyanyapaa-Refuse the stigma. The long walk to inclusion of people with disabilities in Kenya, with a particular emphasis on children's right to education
Master of Arts, Università degli Studi di Padova, 2016.
Chaudhury, Nazmul, Jed Friedman, and Junko Onishi.
Philippines conditional cash transfer program impact evaluation 2012
Journal Article
Fiedler, John, Marc-Francois Smitz, Olivier Dupriez, and Jed Friedman.
Household income and expenditure surveys: A tool for accelerating the development of evidence-based fortification programs
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 29, no. 4 (2008): 306-319.
Working Paper
Beegle, Kathleen, Joachim De Weerdt, Jed Friedman, and John Gibson.
Methods of household consumption measurement through survey: Experimental results from Tanzania
Journal Article
Filmer, Deon, Jed Friedman, and Norbert Schady.
Development, modernization, and childbearing: the role of family sex composition
The World Bank Economic Review 23, no. 3 (2009): 371-3.
Journal Article
Friedman, Jed, and Norbert Schady.
How many more infants are likely to die In Africa as a result of the global financial crisis?
Research Working papers 1, no. 1 (2009): 1-18.
Working Paper
Baird, Sarah, Jed Friedman, and Norbert R Schady.
Aggregate income shocks and infant mortality in the developing world
(2007) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
Working Paper
Filmer, Deon, Jed Friedman, and Norbert R Schady.
Development, modernization, and son preference in fertility decisions
(2008) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
Journal Article
Ovuga, Emilio, Jed Boardman, and Danuta Wasserman.
Integrating Mental Health into Primary Health Care: Local Initiatives from Uganda
World Psychiatry 6, no. 1 (2007): 60-61.
Journal Article
Ovuga, Emilio, Jed Boardman, and Danuta Wasserman.
The Response Inventory for Stressful Life Events (RISLE) I. Refinement of the 100-item Version
African Health Sciences 5, no. 2 (2005): 137-144.
Working Paper
Friedman, Jed, Seo Y Hong, and Xiaohui Hou.
The impact of the food price crisis on consumption and caloric availability in Pakistan: evidence from repeated cross-sectional and panel data
HNP Discussion Paper , no. 66305 (2011).
Ellis, Mia, Margaret Stokes McMillan, and Jed Silver.
Employment and productivity growth in Tanzania's service sector
Working Paper
Diao, Xinshen, Peixun Fang, Eduardo Magalhaes, Stefan Pahl, and Jed Silver.
Cities and rural transformation: A spatial analysis of rural youth livelihoods in Ghana
Journal Article
Kimaro, EG, JED Mlangwa, J Lyimo-Macha, and JG Kimaro.
The influence of women groups on income obtained from small-scale dairy cattle production: Acase of Arumeru District, Tanzania
Livestock Research for Rural Development 25, no. 4 (2013): 4.
Journal Article
Shen, Gordon C, Ha Thi Hong Nguyen, Ashis Das, Nkenda Sachingongu, Collins Chansa, Jumana Qamruddin, and Jed Friedman.
Incentives to change: effects of performance-based financing on health workers in Zambia
Human Resources for Health 15, no. 1 (2017): 20.
Chansa, Collins, Ashis Das, Jumana Qamruddin, Jed Friedman, Akafwilangachi Mkandawire, and Monique Vledder.
Linking Results to Performance: Evidence from a Results Based Financing Pre-Pilot Project in Katete District, Zambia
Journal Article
Ponce Gómez, Jazmín Stephanie.
Niveles de violencia contra la mujer emprendedora en el Perú: un análisis basado en la encuesta demográfica y de salud familiar - ENDES 2011
Revista de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres 3, no. 2 (2012): 7-56.
Thesis or Dissertation
Espichán Avila, Pablo César.
Factores de adherencia a la suplementación con sprinkles asociados al incremento de hemoglobina en niños de 6 a 60 meses, de asentamientos humanos del Distrito de San Martín de Porres
Tesis Para optar el Título Profesional de Licenciado en Nutrición, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos; Facultad De Medicina Humana; E.A.P. De Nutrición, 2013.
Journal Article
Haydena, Martin, and Richard Martin.
Recovery of the education system in Myanmar
Recovery of the Education System in Myanmar Martin Hayden 2, no. 2 (2013): 47-57.
Book Section
Esteve, Albert, Joan García-Román, and Ron Lesthaeghe.
Population and Development Review
(2012) The Family Context of Cohabitation and Single Motherhood in Latin America.
Working Paper
Laplante, Benoît, Teresa Castro-Martín, Clara Cortina, and Ana Laura Fostik.
Change and Continuity in the Fertility of Unpartnered Women in Latin America
Journal Article
Munares-García, Oscar, Guillermo Gómez-Guizado, and José Sánchez-Abanto.
Estado nutricional de gestantes atendidas en servicios de salud del Ministerio de Salud, Perú 2011
Revista peruana de epidemiología 17, no. 1 (2013): 9.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mamani Tagle, Abel Edwin, and Jorge Luis Silva Caballero.
Consumo de alcohol y conductas sexuales de riesgo en estudiantes de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Nacional No72 “San Martín de Porres” UGEL No03 Magdalena del Mar-Perú. Marzo-diciembre del 2012
Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad De Medicina Humana. E.A.P. De Obstetricia , Tesis Para optar el Título Profesional de Licenciado en Obstetricia , 2012.
Journal Article
Nakayama, Lia, Susana Marioni, Alicia Lonac, and Adriana Maria Otero.
Interacciones y efectos sobre la sustentabilidad en el desarrollo local : San Martín de los Andes y Parque Nacional Lanín. Aportes y Transferencias
Journal Article
Alvarez, Gabriel Horacio.
Gran Buenos Aires, conurbano y Partido de San Martín exclusión social y segregación urbana
Scripta Nova: revista electronica de geografia y ciencias sociales , no. 9 (2005).
Conference Paper
Marioni, Susana.
Migracion y turismo en destinos de montana: Caso San Martin de los Andes.
II Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente.
Puebla, México, octubre 24-28, 2013.
Journal Article
Laourou H, Martin.
Estimation de la Mortalité au Bénin à Partir d'une Enquête à Passages Répétés
Population 49, no. 1 (1994): 119-143.
Showing 1-30 of 688