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Showing 1-30 of 108
Journal Article
Clément, Matthieu.
The relationship between private transfers and household income with regard to the assumptions of altruism, exchange and risk sharing: an empirical analysis applied to Russia
Post-Communist Economies 20, no. 2 (2008): 173-187.
Clement, Matthieu.
The relation between private transfers and household income on looking at altruism, exchange and risk-sharing hypotheses. An empirical analysis applied to Russia (In French)
Journal Article
Clement, Matthieu.
Transferts publics et réduction de la pauvreté dans un contexte de croissance économique soutenue: L’exemple de la Russie
Revue d'etudes comparatives Est-Ouest 41, no. 2 (2010): 141-170.
Conference Paper
Clement, Matthieu.
L’impact redistributif des aides au logement en Russie : une analyse de ‘propensity score matching’
7èmes journées scientifiques du réseau « Analyse Economique et Développement de l’AUF » .
Paris, France, September 7-8, 2006.
Journal Article
Clement, Matthieu.
Tentative evaluation of the impact of public transfers on the dynamics of poverty: The case of Russia
International Social Security Review 60, no. 1 (2007): 59-80.
Book Section
Clement, Matthieu.
Le Courrier des pays de l'Est
(2005) La pauvreté en Russie .
Journal Article
Clement, Matthieu.
Dynamiques de pauvrete et transferts publics: le cas de la Russie
Document de Travail du CED , no. 119 (2005).
Working Paper
Clement, Matthieu.
Dynamiques et persistance de la pauvreté en Russie
Journal Article
Miralles, Matthieu.
Les disparités de l’épidémie à VIH au Kenya: approche géographique
(2008) Les Cahiers d’Afrique de l’Est.
Khandelwal, Amit K, and Matthieu Teachout.
Special Economic Zones for Myanmar
Working Paper
Bussiere, Matthieu, Yannick Kalantzis, Romain Lafarguette, and Terry Sicular.
Understanding household savings in China: the role of the housing market and borrowing constraints
(2013) mpra paper.
Journal Article
Lesnoff, Matthieu, M Diedhiou, Geraud Laval, Pascal Bonnet, Asseguid Workalemahu, and Daniel Kifle.
Demographic Parameters of a Domestic Cattle Herd in a Contagious-BovinePleuropneumonia Infected Area of Ethiopian Highlands
Revue d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 55, no. 2 (2002): 139-147.
Working Paper
Ackah, Charles, Clement Ahiadeke, and Ama Pokuaa Fenny.
Determinants of Labour Force Participation in Ghana
Working Paper
Mba, Chucks J, Stephen O Kwankye, Delali M Badasu, Clement Ahiadeke, and John Anarfi.
Child poverty and disparities in Ghana
Journal Article
Ahiadeke, Clement, Charles Ackah, Richmond Aryeetey, and Adjoa Acquah.
Factors influencing the use of adequately iodated salt in Ghana
African Journal of Food Science 6, no. 3 (2012): 58-64.
Journal Article
Imbert, Clément, and John Papp.
Labor market effects of social programs: Evidence from India's Employment Guarantee
(2012) EEA ESEM.
Imbert, Clément, and John Papp.
Estimating Leakages in India's Employment Guarantee Using Household Survey Data
: Paris School of Economics and Princeton University, 2011.
Journal Article
Snell, Beverley, Lidia Gomes, Misliza Vital, Michael Dibley, Odete MF Belo, Sarah Moon, Clement Malau, and Nelson Martins.
Health: family issues in Timor-Leste
(2005) Development Bulletin.
Working Paper
Dorm-Adzobu, Clement.
Rainwater Harvesting in the Coastal Savanna Region of Ghana
Journal Article
Okiror, Paul, Jacob G Agea, Clement A Okia, and John Lamoris B Okullo.
On-Farm Management of Vitellaria Paradoxa CF Gaertn. in Amuria District, Eastern Uganda
(2012) International Journal of Forestry Research.
Journal Article
Ahiadeke, Clement.
Breast-feeding, diarrhoea and sanitation as components of infant and child health: a study of large scale survey data from Ghana and Nigeria
Journal of Biosocial Science 32, no. 1 (2000): 47-61.
Journal Article
Deveau, Clement, Barry Levine, and Susan Beckerleg.
Heroin use in Kenya and findings from a community based outreach programme to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS
African Journal of Drug & Alcohol Studies 5, no. 2 (2006): 95-107.
Working Paper
Leeuw, Jan de, Anthony Egeru, and Clement Okia.
Trees and Livelihoods in Karamoja, Uganda
Website Document
Imbert, Clement, and John Papp.
Indian Statistical Institute’s Seventh Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development
Working Paper
Leduka, Clement Resetselemang.
Lesotho Urban Land Market Scoping Study
(2012) Pretoria: Urban LandMark.
Conference Paper
Leduka R, Clement.
From Illegality to Legality: Illegal Urban Development and the Transformation of Urban Property Rights in Lesotho.
ESF N-AERUS International Workshop on "Coping with Informality and Illegality".
Leuven, Belgium, May 23-26, 2001.
Conference Paper
Leduka, Resetselemang Clement, and PO Roma.
Pribatising land rights in pursuit of poverty reduction: commentary on the 2010 Lesotho land reform project
“Investing in Land and Strengthening Property Rights.
April 12-13, 2012.
Tisdell A, Clement.
Human Values and Biodiversity Conservation: The Survival of Wild Species
: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014.
Journal Article
Ahiadeke, Clement, Douglas Gurak, and Steven J Schwager.
Breastfeeding behavior and infant survival with emphasis on reverse causation bias: Some evidence from Nigeria
Biodemography and Social Biology 47, no. 1-2 (2000): 94-113.
Journal Article
Jato, Miriam N, Calista Simbakalia, Joan M Tarasevich, David N Awasum, Clement Kihinga, and Edith Ngirwamungu.
The impact of multimedia family planning promotion on the contraceptive behavior of women in Tanzania
International Family Planning Perspectives 25, no. 2 (1999): 60-67.
Showing 1-30 of 108