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Showing 1-22 of 22
Journal Article
Ali, SI, S Ali, and Zulfiqar Siddiqui.
Correlates of unintentional and intentional injuries among grade 8-10 students in Jordan
JPMA: Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 58, no. 3 (2008): 154-155.
Working Paper
Mahmudur Rahman, Mohammad, Mrinal Kumar Sengupta, Sad Ahamed, Dilip Lodh, Bhaskar Das, Bishwajit Nayak, and Amitava Mukherjee.
Murshidabad—One of the nine groundwater arsenic-affected districts of West Bengal, India. Part I: Magnitude of contamination and population at risk
Clinical Toxicology 43, no. 7 (2005): 823-834.
Working Paper
Nayak, Bishwajit, Bhaskar Das, Subhash Chandra Mukherjee, Arup Pal, Sad Ahamed, Priyanka Maity, and Rathindra Nath Dutta.
Groundwater arsenic contamination in the Sahibganj district of Jharkhand state, India in the middle Ganga plain and adverse health effects
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 90, no. 4 (2008): 673-694.
Ahamed, Arif.
Project information document: Bangladesh rural water supply and sanitation project
: World Bank, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shohel, Tunvir Ahamed.
The impact of Microcredit on Gender Role Socialization of Children; a Quasi-experimental Study on Microcredit Recipient Women in Rural Bangladesh
Master’s Thesis, Masaryk University.
Journal Article
Rahman, Md Mosaddequr, Md Akhtar Hossain, Shuraya Tasnoova, Ferdous Ahamed, Md Yeamin Hossain, and Jun Ohtomi.
Fresh fish marketing status in the northwestern Bangladesh: Recommendations for sustainable management
Our Nature 10, no. 1 (2013): 128-136.
Working Paper
Lebbe, SM Ahamed.
Income, Consumption Pattern and Economic Status of Paddy Farming Household
(2015) Small.
Journal Article
Azeem Hafiz, PA, R Rashid Ahamed, SA Muhamed, and M Sharukh.
Study of Biogas as a Sustainable Energy Source in India
International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering 4, no. 3 (2016): 58-62.
Journal Article
Meyers R, Melissa.
Infant Mortality in Central Asia: Sad Statistics Come to Life
Journal of Christian Nursing 31, no. 2 (2014): 117-119.
Journal Article
Avornyo, Raphael, and John Amoah.
Disclosing Parental Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Status to Children in Ghana: Reasons for and against Disclosure and Effects of Decision
Advances in Applied Sociology 4, no. 09 (2014): 205.
Sinha P, S.
Lost Opportunities: 50 Years of Insurgency in the North-east and India's Response
New Delhi, India: Lancer Publishers & Distributors, 2007.
Journal Article
Page, Randy M, Megan Dennis, Gordon B Lindsay, and Ray M Merrill.
Psychosocial Distress and Substance Use Among Adolescents in Four Countries: Philippines, China, Chile, and Namibia
(2010) Youth & Society.
Journal Article
Robertson, Angela M, Gudelia M Rangel, Remedios Lozada, Alicia Vera, and Victoria D Ojeda.
Male injection drug users try new drugs following US deportation to Tijuana, Mexico
Drug and alcohol dependence 120, no. 1 (2012): 142-148.
Journal Article
Patel, V.
Sex Selection and missing women in India
Thesis or Dissertation
Galvaan, Roshan.
The prevalence of health risk behaviours among high school learners in the city of Maseru, Lesotho
Master of Science, University of Cape Town, 2010.
Journal Article
Shaheen, Anwar.
Phalia: Past is Another Country!
Pakistan Perspectives 16, no. 2 (2011): 53.
Journal Article
Puente Custodio, Enzo Raul.
Impacto de la violencia contra las mujeres en la morosidad financiera de duenas de microemprendimientos, segun atestiguan lasos asesorases de finanzas empresariales de una caja municipal en Lima-Peru: 2014
Revista de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad de San Martin de Porres 5, no. 4 (2014): 40-50.
Journal Article
Mahfoud, Ziyad R, Rema A Afifi, Pascale H Haddad, and Jocelyn DeJong.
Prevalence and determinants of suicide ideation among Lebanese adolescents: Results of the GSHS Lebanon 2005
Journal of adolescence 34, no. 2 (2011): 379-384.
Thesis or Dissertation
Desmarteaux-Houle, Audrey.
Vietnamese male labour trafficking: A sad reality that requires our attention
Master of science, University of Ottawa, 2012.
Journal Article
Agbodike C, Cornelius.
Population Growth and the Dilemma of Rural Life and Economy in Nigeria.
Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities 11, no. 1 (2010): 1-21.
Conference Paper
Kabranova, Romina, and Zlatko Arsov.
Territorial and natural priorities of Macedonia - important factor for tobacco production development
EAAE Seminar ''The Role of Knowledge, Innovation and Human Capital in Multifunctional Agriculture and Territorial Rural Development'' 2009.
Journal Article
Jotia, Agreement Lathi, and Burman Musa Sithole.
Pragmatizing democratic education in Botswana through business education: Countering the scourge of the diploma disease
Cogent Education 3, no. 1 (2016).
Showing 1-22 of 22