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Journal Article
Tomlinson, Mark, Sarah Skeen, Marguerite Marlow, Lucie Cluver, Peter Cooper, Lynne Murray, Shoeshoe Mofokeng, Nathene Morley, Moroesi Makhetha, and Sarah Gordon. "Improving early childhood care and development, HIV-testing, treatment and support, and nutrition in Mokhotlong, Lesotho: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial." Trials 17, no. 1 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Engelbrecht, Christian. "The efficacy of panax ginseng IX on plasma cholesterol levels of middle aged adults." Masters, University of Johannesburg, 2009.
Working Paper
Girdwood, Sarah, and Murray Leibbrandt. "Intergenerational mobility: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset." (2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.15.
Working Paper
Keswell, Malcolm, Sarah Girdwood, and Murray Leibbrandt. "Educational inheritance and the distribution of occupations: Evidence from South Africa." SALDRU Working Paper No 73 1, no. 1 (2011): 1-33.
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Hall, Brian J, Sarah M Murray, Sandro Galea, Daphna Canetti, and Stevan E Hobfoll. "Loss of social resources predicts incident posttraumatic stress disorder during ongoing political violence within the Palestinian Authority." (2014) Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology.
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Mbonye, Martin Kayitale, Sarah M Burnett, Robert Colebunders, Sarah Naikoba, Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden, Marcia R Weaver, and Allan Ronald. "Disease diagnosis in primary care in Uganda." BMC Family Practice 15, no. 1 (2014): 165.
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Mbonye, Martin Kayitale, Sarah M Burnett, Sarah Naikoba, Robert Colebunders, Kristien Wouters, Marcia R Weaver, and Jean Pierre Van Geertruyden. "Malaria care in infants aged under six months in Uganda: an area of unmet needs!." PloS one 10, no. 4 (2015): e0123283.
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Scott, Jennifer, Sarah Averbach, Anna M Modest, Michele Hacker, Sarah Cornish, Danielle Spencer, Maureen Murphy, and Parveen Parmar. "An assessment of attitudes toward gender inequitable sexual and reproductive health norms in South Sudan: a community-based participatory research approach." (2013) Conflict and health.
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Scott, Jennifer, Michele Hacker, Sarah Averbach, Anna M Modest, Sarah Cornish, Danielle Spencer, Maureen Murphy, and Parveen Parmar. "Influences of sex, age and education on attitudes towards gender inequitable norms and practices in South Sudan." Global public health 9, no. 7 (2014): 773-786.
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Working Paper
Mathers, Colin D, Ritu Sadana, Joshua A Salomon, Christopher J Murray, and Alan D Lopez. "Estimates of DALE for 191 countries: Methods and results." Global Programme on Evidence for Health Policy Working Paper No. 16 World Health Organization, no. Working Paper No. 16 (2000).
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Murray, Christopher J, Richard Feachem, Margaret A Phillips, and Carla Willis. "Adult morbidity: limited data and methodological uncertainty." (1992) The Health of adults in the developing world.
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Murray, Christopher J, Bakhuti Shengelia, Neeru Gupta, Saba Moussavi, Ajay Tandon, and Michel Thieren. "Validity of reported vaccination coverage in 45 countries." The Lancet 362, no. 9389 (2003): 1022-1027.
Working Paper
Lopez, Alan D, Joshua Salomon, Omar Ahmad, Christopher J Murray, and Doris Mafat. "Life tables for 191 countries: data, methods and results." (2001) GPE Discussion Paper Series (WHO).
Journal Article
Lim, Stephen S, Nancy Fullman, Andrew Stokes, Nirmala Ravishankar, Felix Masiye, Christopher J Murray, and Emmanuela Gakidou. "Net benefits: A multicountry analysis of observational data examining associations between insecticide-treated mosquito nets and health outcomes." PLoS Med 8, no. 9 (2011): e1001.
Journal Article
Bhorat, Haroon, and Murray Leibbrandt. "Poverty amongst the self-employed." (1998) Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics .
Book Section
Bhorat, Haroon, and Murray Leibbrandt. "Against the current: Labour and economic policy in South Africa." (1996) Understanding unemployment: the relationship between the employed and the jobless.
Journal Article
Cichello, Paul L, Gary S Fields, and Murray Leibbrandt. "Are African workers getting ahead in the New South Africa? Evidence from Kwazulu Natal, 1993-1998." Social Dynamics 27, no. 1 (2001): 120-139.
Ezzati, Majid, Alan D Lopez, Anthonry Rodgers, and Christopher L Murray. Comparative quantification of health risks: Global and regional burden of disease attributable to selected major risk factors. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2004.
Working Paper
Woolard, Ingrid, and Murray Leibbrandt. "Measuring poverty in South Africa." DPRU Working Paper , no. 99/33 (1999).
Journal Article
Rajaratnam, Julie K, Linda N Tran, Alan D Lopez, and Christopher J Murray. "Measuring under-five mortality: validation of new low-cost methods." PLoS medicine 7, no. 4 (2010): e1000.
Journal Article
Knoll Rajaratnam, Julie, Jake R Marcus, Abraham D Flaxman, Haidong Wang, Alison Levin-Rector, Laura Dwyer, Megan Costa, Alan D Lopez, and Christopher J Murray. "Neonatal, postneonatal, childhood, and under-5 mortality for 187 countries, 1970–2010: a systematic analysis of progress towards Millennium Development Goal 4." The Lancet 375, no. 9730 (2010): 1988-2008.
MacDonagh, Sandra, Susan Murray, and Tim Ensor. Examining the role of private maternity services in Nepal, India, and Tanzania: Literature review & case study tool kit. London, UK: King's College, 2003.
Conference Paper
Bhorat, Haroon, Murray Leibbrandt, and Ingrid Woolard. "Towards an understanding of South Africa’s inequality.." African Economic Research Consortium Conference: Transitional and Long-Term Development Issues, Johannesburg, November 30 to December 1, 1995. Johannesburg, South Africa, December, 1995.
Bhorat, Haroon, Murray Leibbrandt, M Maziya, Servaas van der Berg, and Ingrid Woolard. Labour markets and the challenge of poverty and inequality in South Africa. Cape Town , South Africa: Development Policy Research Unit, 2000.
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