
Showing 1-13 of 13
Journal Article
Allen, Summer, Ousmane Badiane, Ligane Sene, and John Ulimwengu. "Government expenditures, health outcomes and marginal productivity of agricultural inputs: The case of Tanzania." Journal of agricultural economics 65, no. 3 (2014): 637-662.
Working Paper
Allen, Summer L, Ousmane Badiane, and John Ulimwengu. "Government Expenditures, Social Outcomes, and Marginal Productivity of Agricultural Inputs: A Case Study for Tanzania." (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
Badiane, Gora. "La Problematique de L'integration des Villages de Reclassement Social (VRS) du Senegal dans Leur Collectivite Locale." Thesis, Universite de Sherbrooke, 2008.
Journal Article
Badiane, Aida S, Daouda Ndiaye, and David W Denning. "Burden of fungal infections in Senegal." Mycoses 58, no. S5 (2015): 63-69.
Journal Article
Buttarelli, Emilie, Nicole Chapuis-Lucciani, NS Badiane, and Lamine Gueye. "État nutritionnel du jeune enfant (0–3 ans) à Pikine-Dagoudane en milieu urbain sénégalais." Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris 25, no. 1-2 (2013): 83-98.
Journal Article
Massamba Séne, Ligane, and Ousmane Badiane. "Out-of-pocket health payments: a catalyst for agricultural productivity growth, but with potentially impoverishing effects in Senegal." Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies (2016).
Journal Article
Mbacke Leye, Mamadou Makhtar, Papa Ndiaye, Mayassine Diongue, Khadim Niang, Ndeye Astou Badiane, Adama Faye, Ibrahima Seck, Maty Diagne Camara, and Anta Tal-Dia. "Facteurs sociodémographiques et prise en charge des fistules obstétricales au Sud-Est du Sénégal." Sante Publique 24, no. HS (2012): 47-54.
Journal Article
Mbengue, Mouhamed Abdou Salam, Moussa Sarr, Adama Faye, Ousseynou Badiane, Fatou Bintou Niang Camara, Souleymane Mboup, and Tandakha Ndiaye Dieye. "Determinants of complete immunization among senegalese children aged 12-23 months: evidence from the demographic and health survey." BMC public health 17, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Olliaro, Piero, Henriette Delenne, Moustafa Cisse, Malick Badiane, Alberto Olliaro, Michel Vaillant, and Philippe Brasseur. "Implementation of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy with sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP) at a district health centre in rural Senegal." Malaria Journal 7, no. 1 (2008): 234.
Conference Paper
Sall, G, W Badiane, A Gaye, and S Gueye. "Enfants d'aujourd'hui, diversite des contextes, pluralite des parcours." Colloque international de Dakar. December, 2002.
Sy, Moussa, Mamadou Khouma, Marie Gueth S Ndong, Ndèye Y Badiane, Youga Niang, Mohamed O Diagne, Mouhamadou L Dial, Idy Niang, and Ousseynou Diop. Renforcer la Résilience des Systèmes Agricoles Urbaines: Évaluer l’Agriculture Urbaine et Périurbaine à Dakar, Sénégal. Nairobi, Kenya: PNUE, 2014.
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