Livestock Sample Survey 2006-2007 (1999 E.C)
Name | Country code |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Agricultural Survey [ag/oth]
Ethiopia is believed to have the largest livestock population in Africa. This livestock sector has been contributing considerable portion to the economy of the country, and still promising to rally round the economic development of the country. It is eminent that livestock products and by-products in the form of meat, milk, honey, eggs, cheese, and butter supply the needed animal protein that contribute to the improvement of the nutritional status of the people. Livestock also plays an important role in providing export commodities, such as live animals, hides, and skins to earn foreign exchanges to the country. On the other hand, draught animals provide power for the cultivation of the smallholdings and for crop threshing virtually all over the country and are also essential modes of transport to take holders and their families long-distances, to convey their agricultural products to the market places and bring back their domestic necessities. Livestock as well confer a certain degree of security in times of crop failure, as they are a “near-cash” capital stock. Furthermore, livestock provides farmyard manure that is commonly applied to improve soil fertility and also used as a source of energy.
Due to the very important role that the livestock sector plays in the economy of the country, formulation of development plan regarding the sector is indispensable. It is therefore imperative that livestock development plans should be formulated on the basis of reliable statistical data, and hence, timely and accurate livestock data are required for the formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of development plan and program in the sector. These livestock data can be generated usually using surveys and censuses. In this regard, subsequent surveys and a solitary agricultural census have been carried out by the Central Statistical Agency (CSA) to make available data on livestock though they were not comprehensive. The 2006/07 Annual Agricultural Sample Survey was also conducted to produce these same data so as to keep hold of continuity and update users in general.
The general objective of the livestock survey is to produce data that could be used for development planning and policy formulation regarding the sector, and the specific objectives are to purvey quantitative information on the size and characteristics of livestock in rural sedentary areas at zonal level. In order to meet these objectives, data on: livestock number by type, age, sex, purpose and breed; livestock products particularly milk, egg, and honey; livestock diseases and vaccination; and animal feed were collected from sampled agricultural households in rural sedentary areas (including resettlements).
Sample survey data [ssd]
Version 1.1: Edited and non anonymized dataset, for internal use only.
The scope of Livestock Sample Survey includes:
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
basic skills education [6.1] | CESSDA | |
The 2006-2007 (1999 E.C.) annual Livestock Sample Survey covered the rural agricultural population in all the regions of the country except all zones of Gambella Region, and the non-sedentary population of three zones of Afar & six zones of Somali regions.
Households, who were engaged in growing crops and/or breeding and raising livestocks in private or in partnership with others in the selected sample.
Name | Affiliation |
Central Statistical Agency | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Name |
Government of Ethiopia |
Sample Frame:
The list containing EAs of all regions and their respective agricultural households obtained from the 2001-2002 Ethiopian Agricultural Sample Enumeration (EASE) was used as the sampling frame in order to select EAs (Primary sampling units for non-resettlement areas). Consequently, all sample EAs were selected from this frame based on the design proposed for the survey. The list of all resettlement localities of each region, which is obtained from regional administrative records, is also used to select resettlement localities (Primary sampling units for resettlement areas) from each region. Second stage sampling units, households, on the other hand, were selected from a fresh list of households that were prepared for each EA / resettlement locality at the beginning of the survey.
Sample Design:
A two stage stratified cluster sample design was used to select the sample in which the clusters or primary sampling units (PSUs) were enumeration areas/ resettlement localities and second stage sampling units were households. Except Harari, Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa, where each region as a whole is considered to be the domain of estimation, every zone/special wereda of a region was adopted as a stratum for which major findings of the survey are reported.
Selection Scheme:
Enumeration areas from each stratum were selected systematically using probability proportional to size sampling technique; size being number of agricultural households obtained from the 1994 Population & Housing Census and adjusted for the sub-sampling effect. With regard to resettlement localities, the survey covered about 93 % of the localities found in the country. As a result, the chance of being included in the sample, are purposefully not given for resettlement localities with very few households (below 30). Consequently, selection of required number of localities from the rest of localities is accomplished on the basis of equal probability. Within each sample EA/resettlement locality 30 agricultural households were selected systematically from the fresh list of households prepared at the beginning of the survey.
Note: Distribution of sampling units (sampled and covered EAs and resettlement localities) by stratum is presented in Appendix-I of 2006-2007 (1999 E.C) Livestock Sample Survey report.
To be covered by the survey, a total of 2,117 enumeration areas (EAs) and 250 resettlement localities were selected. However, due to various reasons that are beyond control, in 23 EAs and 2 resettlement locality the survey could not be successful and hence interrupted. Thus, all in all the survey succeeded to cover 2,094 EAs and 248 resettlement localities (98.94%) throughout the regions.
The Livestock Sample Survey was conducted on the basis of 30 agricultural households selected from each EA / resettlement locality. Regarding the ultimate sampling units, it was intended to cover a total of 71,010 agricultural households, however, 69,809 (98.31%) were actually covered by the survey.
The 2006-2007 Livestock Sample Survey used structured questionnaire to collect data on livestock and livestock characteristics.
The questionnaire is organized in to two parts:
Part 1: Identification particulars: This part contains area identification of the selected household. It dealt with area identification of respondents such as Region, Zone, wereda, Farmer's association, Enumeration area household number, holder number, and type of holding.
Part 2: Livestock population and products: This part of the questionnaire dealt with number of cattle, sheep, goats, horses, mules, donkeys, camels by age and purposes; poultry, honey production per beehive, milk and egg; livestock diseases and treatments; number of births, purchases, sales, slaughters, and deaths of livestock; livestock diseases, treatment and vaccination ; and livestock feeds utilization.
The questionnaire used in the field for data collection purpose was prepared in Amharic language.
Start | End |
2006 | 2007 |
Name | Affiliation |
Central Statstical Agency | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Field Organization:
The entire 25 Branch Statistical Offices of the CSA participated in the survey undertaking, especially in organizing the second stage training, in deploying the field staff to their respective sites of assignment, and retrieving completed questionnaires and submitting them to the head office for data processing. They were also responsible in administering the financial and logistic aspect of the survey within the areas of their assignment. In the data collection, enumerators and field supervisors were involved with an average supervisor-enumerator ratio of 1 to 5. To accomplish the data collection operation, all the enumerators were supplied with the necessary survey equipment at the completion of the training. To assist the data collection activities in deployment, supervision, and retrieval of completed questionnaires, reasonably adequate four-wheel vehicles were used.
Training of Field Staff:
The field staff-training program was carried out in two stages. The first-stage consisted of trainees from the head office, Branch Statistical Office heads, and some of the field supervisors. The training was given for about twelve days at CSA's headquarters in Addis Ababa. Many of these personnel trained in the first-stage conducted similar training for field supervisors and enumerators for about three weeks in branch offices, which are distributed around the country. During the second-stage training, the field staff were given detailed classroom instruction on the objectives and uses of the survey, concepts and definitions of terms used, interviewing procedures, how to fill questionnaires, ...etc. The enumerators' training also includes a field practice to strengthen the concepts discussed in the classroom.
Method of Data Collection:
In each selected site, a fresh list of households was prepared and then agricultural households were identified from the list of households. From these identified agricultural households, 30 agricultural households were selected using systematic sampling techniques. Thus, all agricultural holders belonging to each selected agricultural households were interviewed and the appropriate data were collected. The reference date for enumerating livestock, poultry, & beehives was Nov.10, 2006 (Hidar 1/1999 E.C.).
Editing, Coding, and Verification:
The editing and coding instruction manuals were prepared, and intensive training was given to the editor-coders. Those trained editors-coders were accomplished the editing and coding tasks. In due course, professional staff members were assigned to facilitate the editing and coding activities and the edited and coded questionnaires were verified by statistical technicians as well as by professionals.
Data Entry, Cleaning, and Processing:
The data were entered in personal computers by data encoders using IMPS (Integrated Microcomputer Processing System) software. Then the data were checked and cleaned by regular staff members. Finally, the data processing activity was also done by personal computers (PCs) to produce results that were indicated in the tabulation plan.
Estimates of standard errors and coefficient of variations for selected estimates are presented in the Annex Tables 1-10 of the 2006-2007 report.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development | | |
The Central Statistical Agency (CSA) is committed to achieving excellence in the provision of timely, reliable and affordable official statistics for informed decision making in order to maximize the welfare of all Ethiopians. This is achieved through the collection and analysis of censuses, surveys and the use of administrative data as well as the dissemination a range of statistical products and providing assistance and services to users.
A microdata dissemination policy is established by CSA to address the conditions and the manner in which anonymized microdata files may be released to users for research purposes. It also strives to identify the different levels of anonymization for different categories of data use. This policy is available at CSA website (
CSA will release microdata files for use by researchers for scientific research purposes when:
The Director General is satisfied that all reasonable steps have been taken to prevent the identification of individual respondents
The release of the data will substantially enhance the analytic value of the data that have been collected
For all but purely public files, researchers disclose the nature and objectives of their intended research,
It can be demonstrated that there are no credible alternative sources for these data, and
The researchers have signed an appropriate undertaking.
Terms and conditions of use of public data files are the following:
The data and other materials provided by CSA will not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations without the written agreement of CSA.
The data will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations.
No attempt will be made to re-identify respondents, and no use will be made of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently. Any such discovery would immediately be reported to the CSA.
No attempt will be made to produce links among datasets provided by CSA, or among data from the CSA and other datasets that could identify individuals or organizations.
Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports, or other publications that employ data obtained from CSA will cite the source of data in accordance with the Citation Requirement provided with each dataset.
An electronic copy of all reports and publications based on the requested data will be sent to CSA.
The original collector of the data, CSA, and the relevant funding agencies bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Cost Recovery Policy:
It is the policy of CSA to encourage broad use of its products by making them affordable for users. Accordingly, CSA attempts to ensure that the costs of creating anonymized microdata files are built-in to the survey budget.
At the same time, CSA attempts to recover costs associated with the provisions of special services that benefit only a specific group. Information on the price of each dataset is available at CSA website (
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Data Administrator | Central Statistical Agency | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Central Statistical Agency | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development | Production of metadata |
International Household Survey Network | Review metadata |
Version 02: Adopted from DDI (DDI-ETH-CSA-AgSSLV-2006-v1.1) that was done by Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia.