Value |
Category |
. |
Baby Formula |
Babyformula |
Biscuits/Tea |
Chicken/Poult |
Coarse Rice |
Dal |
Eggs |
Fine Rice |
Finerice |
Fish |
Fruits |
Goat/Beef/Buf |
Milk(Product) |
Misc |
Oils/Ghee |
Spices/Condim |
Sugar/Gur |
Vegetables |
Wheat |
baby fomula |
baby formula" |
babyformula |
biscuits/tea |
buscuits/tea |
chicken/poult |
chicken\poult |
coarserice |
dal |
eggs |
fine rice |
finerice |
fish |
fishg |
fruits |
goat/beef/buf |
goat/beef/buf" |
milk(product) |
milk/product |
misc |
oil/ghee |
oils/ghee |
spices/condim |
sugar/gur |
sugar/gur" |
vegetables |
wheat |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.