Value |
Category |
Ashima |
Brass |
Complemet |
Davidoff |
Din ucraina |
Henson Hages |
King |
L D |
LD |
Ld |
Marble |
Marlble |
Monte Carlo |
Nu contează cu filtru galven |
Pal mall |
Rotmans |
Sobranie |
Swift |
Whinchester |
Winchester |
ashima |
benson |
boss |
brass |
complement |
compliment |
davidoff |
heets |
ld |
marble |
mark black |
marlble |
moore |
refuz |
refuza |
rodmans |
rothmans |
rotmans |
sobraine |
sobrane |
sobrania |
sobranie |
ucheser |
virgina slim |
weichestern |
whincester |
whinchester |
wichester |
wincester |
winchester |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.