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World Bank Enterprise Survey 2009-2023
2009 - 2023
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World Bank Group (WBG)
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Created on
Jan 22, 2025
Last modified
Jan 29, 2025
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Data file: Nepal_2009_2013_2023.dta
Nepal 2009, 2013, and 2023 World Bank Enterprise Survey panel data
Num. Permanent, Part-Time Employees At End of Last Fiscal Year
Num. Full-Time Temporary Employees At End of Last FY
Female Temporary, Full-Time Workers Employed Throughout Last FY
Avg. Length of Employment of All Full-Time Temporary Employees In Last FY
In the last 3 yrs., establishment has been involved in any labor dispute
Typical number of weeks to resolve labor dispute
Cost to resolve labor dispute
In last FY, was establishment visited by health and safety inspectors
Was a report issued for health and safety inspection
How Much of An Obstacle: Labor Regulations?
How Much of An Obstacle: Inadequately Educated Workforce?
Biggest Obstacle Affecting The Operation of This Establishment
m1a: Position of Access to Finance
m1a: Position of Access to land
m1a: Position of Business licensing and permits
m1a: Position of corruption
m1a: Position of Courts
m1a: Position of Crime, theft and disorder
m1a: Position of Customs and trade regulations
m1a: Position of Electricity
m1a: Position of Inadequately educated workforce
m1a: Position of Labor regulations
m1a: Position of Political instability
m1a: Position of Practices of competitors in the informal sector
m1a: Position of Tax administration
m1a: Position of Tax rates
m1a: Position of Transport
Total Labor Cost (Incl. Wages, Salaries, Bonuses, Etc) In Last Fiscal Year
Social security payments and employment-based taxes
Total Annual Costs of Electricity In Last Fiscal Year
Total Annual Cost of Water
Total Annual Cost of high-speed, fixed broadband internet
Cost of Raw Materials And Intermediate Goods Used In Prod. In Last Fiscal Year
Total Annual Cost of Finished Goods/Materials Bought To Resell In Last FY
Total Labor Cost (Incl. Wages, Salaries, Bonuses, Etc) 2 fiscal years ago
Total Cost of Raw Materials And Intermediate Goods Used In Production
Cost For Establishment To Re-Purchase All of Its Machinery
Effective income-based tax rate
Effective consumption tax rate
Perception of The Questions Regarding Opinions And Perceptions
Responses To The Questions About Figures Are…
This Questionnaire Was Completed In:
If Option 2 or 3 In A.18, Estimate Duration of The Whole Interview: Hours
If Option 2 or 3 In A.18, Estimate Duration of The Whole Interview: Minutes
Supervisor Number
official Capital City?
Main Business City?
Size of Locality
Main Product/Service ISIC (Rev. 4) Code
Main Product/Service ISIC (Rev 3.1) Code
Industry Screener Sector ISIC (Rev 3.1) Code
stratification region code
stratification size code
stratification sector code
panel code
Weight according to strict eligibility
Weight according to median eligibility
Weight according to weak eligibility
see notes
Sector Match Between Screener Information And Sample Frame
Type Of Establishment
Establishment's Financial Statements Separate from Other Establishments
What Percentage Of This Firm Does The Largest Owner(s) Own?
Was Establishment Formally Registered When It Began Operations?
Is this firm a member of the following organizations?
Is this establishment located in an export processing zone or other industrial p
Did You Experience Insufficient Water Supply For Production In Last Fiscal Yr?
Frequency Of Incidents Of Water Shortages In A Typical Month In Last Fiscal Yr
Average Length Of Water Shortages (Affecting Production) In Last Fiscal Year
Do You Currently Communicate With Clients And Suppliers By E-Mail?
Cell phones used in operations of the establishment
How Much Of An Obstacle: Telecommunications To Operations Of This Establishment?
India (In percentage)
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives (In percent)
China and Hong Kong (In percentage)
Europe and America and Canada (In percentage)
Other Countries (In percentage)
Road (In percentage)
Rail (In percentage)
Air (In percentage)
Sea (In percentage)
In last FY, avg. num. of days for exported goods to clear customs?
In reference to the customs clearance for exports, was an informal gift or payme
In last FY, Export Losses Due To Theft As % Of value of products
In last FY, Export Losses Due To Breakage Or Spoilage As % Of value of products
In last FY, % of value of products lost in transit due to theft
In last FY, % of value of products lost in transit due to breakage or spoilage?
Considering road transportation, using the options on this card, please choose t
Now considering air transportation, using the options on this card, please choos
During 2011/2012, what percent of these foreign material inputs or supplies were
Road (In percentage)
Air (In percentage)
Sea (In percentage)
Avg. num. of Days For Imported Goods To Clear Customs In Last Fiscal Year
In reference to the customs clearance for imports, was an informal gift or payme
Avg. days of inventory of most important input kept by establishment
How many days, on average, elapse from the day the customer places the order to
How many days, on average, does it take to manufacture the goods?
How many days, on average, does it take for the finished goods to be delivered t
Does this establishment currently export or are you considering entering the exp
Meeting export market product specifications and requirements
Price competitiveness in export markets
Production capacity to meet order quantities and delivery dates
Import regulations and non-tariff barriers in the export markets
Transportation and delivery of raw materials and inputs used in production
Transportation and delivery of the exported goods
Other Specify
Most important business service
Second important business service
Other Specify
Most important business service
Second important business service
Most important business service
Second important business service
Local Chamber of commerce
Industry association
Avg. days of inventory of main sales item kept by establishment
Lack of an ISO certification
Access to inputs and supplies
Access to production technology
Current currency exchange rates
Price increases in fuel, electricity, and raw materials
Availability of storage facilities, including cold storage facilities and wareho
During the last three years, has this establishment introduced any new or signif
During the last three years, has this establishment introduced any new or signif
During the last three years, has this establishment introduced any new or signif
During the last three years, has this establishment introduced new or significan
During the last three years, did this establishment spend on formal research and
Number Of Hours Per Week Operated By The Establishment In Last Fiscal Year
Percentage Of The Land Occupied: Owned By This Establishment
Percentage Of The Land Occupied: Rented Or Leased By This Establishment
Percentage Of The Land Occupied: Other
Percentage Of The Building Occupied: Owned By This Establishment
Percentage Of The Building Occupied: Leased or Rented By This Establishment
Percentage Of The Building Occupied: Other
In last FY, Did This Establishment Pay For Security?
Percentage Of Total Annual Sales Paid For Security In Last Fiscal Year
In Last Fiscal Year, What Is The Total Annual Cost Of Security?
Regarding security, who does this establishment primarily seek protection agains
Who does this establishment primarily pay to provide protection?
Losses Due To Theft, Robbery, Vandalism Or Arson Experienced In Last Fiscal Year
Losses Due To Theft, Robbery, Vandalism Or Arson In Last Fiscal Yr (% Of Sales)
Value Of Losses Due To Theft, Robbery, Vandalism Or Arson In Last Fiscal Yr
In last FY, % Of Material Inputs Or Services Paid For After Delivery
In last FY, % Of Total Annual Sales Paid For After Delivery
Establishment has A Line Of Credit Or Loan From A Financial Institution?
In Last Fiscal Yr, Did Establishment Apply For New Loans/Lines Of Credit?
Referring only to this most recent application for a line of credit or loan, wha
The Court System Is Fair, Impartial And Uncorrupted
% Of Contract Value Avg. Firm Pays In Informal Gifts To Govt To Secure Contract?
Num. Full-time Employees At End Of Last Fiscal Yr: Skilled Production Workers
Average Years Of Education For Typical Production Worker
What is the average number of years of education of a typical female permanent f
What was the primary focus of the formal training programs?
Who was the primary provider of these training programs?
Skilled Production full-time permanent employees trained(In percentage)
Unskilled production full-time permanent employees trained(In percentage)
Please indicate the principle reason for the lack of training programs?
Challenges of working with women due to their family commitments
Challenges of hiring women given government regulations such as working hours
Hiring women could cause disruption in the working environment
Required benefits and other expenses such as providing separate workplace facili
Over fiscal year 2011/2012, what percentage of this establishment’s total workfo
Over fiscal year 2011/2012, did the establishment lose any working days to any t
During fiscal year 2011/2012, how many days of operation did this establishment
During fiscal year 2011/2012, what was the main disputed issue that led to trade
Civil unrest
Employee absenteeism
Rotation Order
Total Annual Costs Of Fuel In Last Fiscal Year
Total rental cost of machinery, vechiles and equipments (In NRS)
Total rental cost of land and buildings (In NRS)
Other Cost Of Production
Net Book Value Of Machinery Vehicles, And Equipment In Last Fiscal Year
Net Book Value Of Land And Buildings In Last Fiscal Year
Cost For Establishment To Re-Purchase All Of Its Land And Buildings
Main Respondent Position In The Firm
Main Respondent Years Working In The Firm:
Main respondent's gender
Second Respondent Position In The Firm
Second Respondent Years Working In The Firm:
Second respondent's gender
Third Respondent Position In The Firm
Third Respondent Years Working In The Firm:
Third respondent's gender
name of city/town/village
companies' registrar
ministry of commerce
chamber of commerce
inland revenue department
business association
department of small and cottage industries
quality certification held
is this establishment primarily associated with tourism?
does this establishment have any environmental certification?
please specify which environmental certification
in fiscal year 2007 2008 what percentage of this establishments water supply, us
over the last two years, did this establishment submit an application to obtain
in reference to that application for a telephone connection, approximately how m
in reference to that application for a telephone connection, was an informal gif
in fiscal year 2007 2008 how many hours of internet access did this establishmen
does this establishment have a high speed internet connection on its premises?
make purchases for this establishment
deliver services to this establishment's clients
do research and develop ideas on new product and services
over fiscal year 2007 2008, did this establishment experience unavailability of
in a typical month, over fiscal year 2007 2008, how many times has this establis
in a typical month, over fiscal year 2007 2008, on average how long did the unav
immigration procedures
tourism laws/regulations
tourist information centers
do tourism clients face transportation difficulties in getting to this establish
did this establishment experience losses due to the transportation difficulties?
in reference to the customs clearance for exports, was an informal gift or payme
road(in percentage)
air(in percentage)
sea(in percentage)
which port/border crossing did this establishment mainly use for export products
main export country
in reference to the customs clearance for imports, was an informal gift or payme
road(in percentage)
air(in percentage)
sea(in percentage)
which port/border crossing did this establishment mainly use for imports?
main import source country
from the following list, what is the main transportation obstacles by road?
from the following list, what is the main transportation obstacle by air?
in fiscal year 2007 2008, for the main market in which this establishment sold i
comparing july 2008 to july 2007 have montly sales of this establishment's main
comparing july 2008 to july 2007 have prices of this establishment's main produc
does this establishment have any patents registered abroad?
does this establishment have any patents registered in nepal?
in fiscal year 2007 2008, has this establishment introduced new lines of product
in fiscal year 2007 2008, has this establishment introduced new lines of product
in the last 2 years has this establishment made investments to upgrade its class
in the last 2 years has this establishment upgraded significantly its facilities
in the last 2 years has this establishment upgraded significantly the services p
pressure from domestic competitors
pressure from foreign competitors
pressure from informal firms
in the last three years has this establishment acquired or attempted to acquire
in the last three years, has this establishment been sucessful in acquiring land
paid for before the delivery(in percentage)?
paid for on the delivery(in percentage)?
paid for before the delivery(in percentage)?
paid for on delivery(in percentage)?
capital/remittances from people who are migrants abroad or who are returned migr
other (moneylenders, friends, relatives etc.(in percentage)
capital/remittances from people who are migrants abroad or who are returned migr
other (moneylenders, friends, relatives, bonds etc.)(in percentage)
did the political changes and instability the past year affect the operation of
government officials' interpretations of the laws and regulations affecting this
what is the average educational attainment of a typical production worker employ
internal training (offered within the walls of this establishment)
external training (offered at a location outside this establishment)
skilled workers-received formal training(in percentage)
unskilled workers-received formal training(in percentage)
has this establishment ever provided a formal training program?
in what year did this establishment first introduce a formal training program (e
has this establishment ever provided training that is administered by pub
has this establishment ever provided training that is administered by public or
if not, could you indicate the principal reason?
over fiscal year 2007 2008, what percentage of this establishment's total workfo
over fiscal year 2007 2008, did the establishment lose any working days to trade
how many working days did the establishment lose in that fiscal year?
in the last 30 days how many working days did the establishement lose to trade u
during fiscal year 2007 2008, what was the main disputed issue that led to trade
in the last 30 days, what was the main disputed issue that led to trade union ac
what do you see personally as the major labor market issue?
if this establishment were not required to pay the costs of maternity leave, , w
civil unrest (in days)
employee absenteeism (in days)
in fiscal year 2007 2008, what was the approximate average monthly compensation,
what are this establishment's intentions over the next two years?
main respondent's position in the firm
second respondent's position in the firm
interviewer comments
ID number of 2009 survey
ID number of 2013 survey
ID number of 2023 survey
Total: 587
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