Value |
Category |
0 |
Unemployed |
11 |
Land Owner |
12 |
Farmer |
13 |
Agricultural Worker |
14 |
Fisherman |
15 |
Poultry, cattle raising |
16 |
Home-based manufacturing (handicraft, food products) |
21 |
Rickshaw driver, brick breaking, road bldg, construction worker, boatman, earth works, etc. |
22 |
Domestic servant |
23 |
Factory worker, blue collar service |
31 |
Semi-skilled labor (carpenter, mason, bus/taxi driver, seamstress/tailor, policeman, armed svcs, DAI, Comm health wkr, FWA |
41 |
Professional worker (medical, lawyer, acct, teacher, family welfare visitor, govt/private |
51 |
Large business |
52 |
Small business |
61 |
Unemployed/student |
62 |
Retired |
96 |
Other |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.