Value |
Category |
11 |
Millitary |
111 |
Legeslators |
112 |
Senior government officials |
113 |
Kebele leaders, tribe chifes, traditional chifes and heads o |
114 |
Non government senior officials |
121 |
General managers and department heads |
131 |
Manager section and sub section heads |
132 |
Small businesses in whole sale and retail trade and hotel o |
211 |
Physicists, chemists, geologists and related professionals |
212 |
Mathematicians, statisticians and related professionals |
213 |
Computing professionals |
214 |
Architects, engineers and related professionals |
221 |
Agronomists, biologists, pharmacologists and related |
222 |
Medical doctors, dentists, pharmacists, veterinarians and r |
223 |
Health officers, specialized nurses and midwifery profesion |
231 |
College, university and higher education teaching professio |
232 |
High school teaching professional |
233 |
School inspectors, curricula developers and related |
241 |
Accountants, auditors, and related |
242 |
Lawyers, judges and related |
243 |
Archivists, librarians and related information professional |
244 |
Economists, sociologists, historians, psychologists, social |
245 |
Music, film, painting, journalism and related professionals |
246 |
Religious professionals/bishops '' lmams'', ....etc/ |
311 |
Physical and engineering science technicians and saftey insp |
312 |
Computer associate professional |
313 |
Photographic, sound telecommunication, medical and related |
314 |
Operators ship and aircraft controllers and technicians |
315 |
Safty and quality inspectors (building & fire, safty, health |
321 |
Agricultural, soil, forestry, pharmacology, biochemistry, bl |
322 |
Nurses, health assistant, sanitarians, physiotherapy dentist |
323 |
Traditional birth attendants, tradional mediciine workers an |
331 |
Primary junior secondary and pre primary education teaching |
332 |
Church " kais" |
333 |
Driving, typewriting and related teachers |
341 |
Buyers, appraisers, value makers, travel conultants, and ins |
342 |
Business service agens and trade brokers |
343 |
Administrative and executive secretaries, bookkeepers, stati |
344 |
Customs, tax, licensing, passport and related associate prof |
345 |
Singers, dancers, radio and television announcers and relate |
346 |
Religious associate professionals/priests, deacons, sheiks, |
411 |
Typists and keyboard operating clerks |
412 |
Book keepers, accounting clerks and related |
413 |
Stock clerks, transport clerks and related |
414 |
Library, mail filling and other office related clerks |
421 |
Cashiers, tellers, counter clerks meter readers and related |
422 |
Receptionists, telephone operators, transport ticket clerks |
511 |
Travel attendants and related workers |
512 |
Houekeeping, restaurant, bar, "tella" |
513 |
Barbers, beauticians, child care workers and related person |
514 |
Police, fire fighters and related |
521 |
Fashion and other models |
522 |
Shop and kiosk salespersons and demonstrators |
523 |
"gulit" |
611 |
Market oriented crop growers |
612 |
Market oriented animal producers and related workers |
613 |
Forestry and related workers |
614 |
Fishery workers, hunters and trappers |
621 |
Skilled subsistence agricultural and fishery workers |
711 |
Miners, quarry workers, stone cutters and carvers |
712 |
Stone masons, carpenters and tradional house builders |
713 |
Plasters, plumbers, roofers, glaziers, building electricians |
714 |
Painters (building and manufactured articles) |
721 |
Welders, metal molders and related trades workers |
722 |
Blacksmiths, tool markers and related trades wokers |
723 |
Motoracar mechanics, airplane and other machnery mechanics |
724 |
Radio, tv and other electronic equipment mechanics, telephon |
731 |
Jewelers, gold and watch repair ers, and other precision ins |
732 |
Poters and glass makers,and glass ceramics and related decor |
733 |
Handcraft workers in wood, textile, leather and related mat |
734 |
Printing photographing and related trades workers |
741 |
Areki, tella, grinding of own product ( or sell after millin |
742 |
Basketry weavers, cabinet maker and related trades workers |
743 |
Weavers, spinners, tailors, and related |
744 |
Leather, pelt and shoemaking trades workers |
811 |
Mining and minieral processing plant operators |
812 |
Metal smelters, casters and related operators |
813 |
Glass, ceramics and related plant operators |
814 |
Wood processing and papermaking plant operators |
815 |
Chemical, petroleum and natural gas machine operators |
816 |
Electric and power production related plant operators |
817 |
Automated assembly line operators |
821 |
Cement metal and mineral products machine operators |
822 |
Chemical pharmaceutical explosives and other chemical produc |
823 |
Rubber and plastic products machine operators |
824 |
Wood product machine operators |
825 |
Printing, binding and paper products machine operators |
826 |
Textile and leather products machine operators |
827 |
Food and related products machine operators |
828 |
Assemblers |
831 |
Locomotive engine drivers and related workers |
832 |
Motor vehicle drivers |
833 |
Crane and liffting truck operators, agricultural and other m |
834 |
Ships deck crews and related workers |
911 |
Street vendodrs and related workers |
912 |
Shoe cleaning and other street services elemantary occupatio |
913 |
Domestic and drelated helpers, cleaners and lauderers |
914 |
Messengers, porters, dookeepers, building care takers, garba |
921 |
Agricultrural, fishery, and related labourers, bung cake, fi |
931 |
Mining and construction labourers |
932 |
Manufacturing labourers |
933 |
Hand or pedal vehicle drivers, drivers of animal drawn vehic |
999 |
Not stated |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.