The private household was referred to as:
1. One-person households, i.e. a person who made provision for his own food and other essentials of living without combining with any other persons.
2. Multiperson households, i.e. a group of two or more persons who made common provision for food and other essentials of living. They might be either related or unrelated such as:
2.1 a household comprised a group of related persons by blood, marriage or adoption
2.2 a household comprised a group of unrelated persons, not exceeding five who live together sharing the lodging. (included as one private household)
2.3 a household comprised a group of employees living together, not exceeding five persons. (included as one private household)
2.4 a household comprised a group of six or more persons, among them at least four persons who are relatives, or not exceeding three relatives where one among them is responsible for all expenses. (included as one private household)
Remarks: Item 2.2 and 2.3 were different from the previous surveys which was conducted before the year 1998, in that each person was treated as one-person household.