Work status was classified into 9 different categories as follows:
(1) an employer was defined as a person who operated his or her own enterprise for profit or dividends and hired one or more person as his or her employee(s).
(2) An own-account worker was a person who operated an enterprise on his or her own account, or operated it jointly with others in the form of a partnership either for profit or dividends and hired no employees.
(3) An unpaid family worker was a person who worked without pay on a farm or in a business owned or operated by the household head or other household members.
(4) An employee was a person who worked for a public or private employer and received remuneration in wages, salary, commission, tips, piece-rate or payment in kind. Employees were classified as government, state enterprise and private employee.
(5) A member of producers' cooperatives was a person who hold a "self-employment" job in a cooperative producing good and services, in which each member takes part on an equal footing with other members in determining the organization of production, sale and/or other work of the establishment, the investment and the distribution of the proceeds of the establishment amongst their members.
(6) A person looking for work was a person who did not work at all during the last 52 weeks but had applied for work either at business establishments or by mailing letters of application.
(7) An economically inactive person was one of the following:
a) a housewife or person who worked around the house,
b) a student,
c) a retired person or old person,
d) a disabled person who was unable to work because of physical or mental disability or because of chronic illness,
e) a person doing nothing who was voluntarily idle, and
f) a beggar.