Value |
Category |
Accessories (handkerchiefs, belts, hats, ties, etc) |
Administrative fees |
Admission charges (stadium, swimming pool, cinema, concert, etc) |
Books and magazines |
Bulls/cows |
Car insurance |
Children's clothing |
Children's shoes |
Cloth wraps and fabrics |
Consultation and treatment by a traditional practicioner |
Cooking utensils (casserole, marmite, frying pan, buckett, etc) |
Diverse services (funerals, weddings, etc) |
Electricity |
Fan |
Files and file folders |
Financial fees (banks, insurances, etc) |
Game (wild) birds and animals |
Games and toys (chess, cards, dolls, etc) |
Games of chance (lottery, horse races, etc) |
Garbage collection |
Hospitalisation |
Imputed rent for owned home |
Iron |
Jewelry, clocks and watches |
Literacy course |
Medical consultation |
Medical treatment (injection, bandages, rehabilation, etc) |
Men's clothing |
Men's shoes |
Moving and shipping expenses |
Musical instruments (piano, guitar, etc) |
Notebooks |
Other animals |
Other clothing articles (buttons, thread, etc) |
Other communications charges |
Other equipment (calculator, binoculars, etc) |
Other insurance (life, health, etc) |
Other leisure services |
Other school material |
Other small appliances (hot plate, oven, small water heater, etc) |
Other transport related expenses (vehicle inspection, driving school, etc) |
Personal articles (suitcase, hand bag, umbrella, eye glasses, etc) |
Pets (purchases of cats, dogs, etc/veterinary and other services) |
Photocopying and printing charges |
Photographic material/services (film, developing, etc) |
Pigs |
Plants and flowers |
Postal fees |
Poultry |
Professional/vocational training fees |
Purchase of drugs |
Purchase of household cleaning materials |
Purchase of traditional medications |
Purchases of vehicle spare parts (tires, batteries, etc) |
Radiology, EKG, scanner, tests (urine, blood, etc) |
Raincoats |
Recording devices (cassettes, CD, etc) |
Rent |
School bags and knapsacks |
School books |
School fees - general secondary school |
School fees - higher education |
School fees - nursery school |
School fees - primary school |
School fees - technical secondary school |
School uniforms |
Sewing costs |
Sheep and goats |
Small appliances and tools (lamps, hammers, pails, etc) |
Sports clothing and shoes |
Sports equipment (football, racket, ping pong tables, etc) |
Stationery for school |
Telecommunication charges (billed) |
Television subscription charges |
Textiles (drapes, blankets, mosquito nets, etc) |
Therapeutic devices (prosthetics, glasses, wheel chairs, etc) |
Travel expenses (other city or country, pilgrimage, etc) |
Underwear |
Vaccination costs |
Vaisselle (plates, glasses, knives, etc) |
Vehicle rental |
Wages for household employees |
Wages for workers |
Water |
Women's clothing |
Women's shoes |
Writing and drawing materials (notebooks,envelopes, etc) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.