Value |
Category |
Bananas |
Cassava leaves |
Citrus (oranges, lemons etc) |
Condiments (pepper, ginger etc) |
Corn |
Fruits |
Garden eggs |
Green beans |
Groundnuts |
Interest and dividends received |
Lettuce, cabbage |
Lottery winnings |
Mango |
Net income for entrepreneurs |
Okra |
Onions |
Other cereals |
Other earnings |
Other fruits (guavas, apples etc) |
Other income |
Other leaves |
Other public transfers |
Other rental income |
Other vegetables |
Palm nuts |
Palm oil |
Payments in kind |
Pensions and social security allowances |
Pineapple |
Profits |
Rental property income |
Rice |
Royalties and commissions |
Salaries and wages |
Sale of a car or a other capital good |
Sale of a house or other asset |
Sales of cattle |
Sales of crustaceans (crab, etc) |
Sales of fish |
Sales of game (wild) birds of animals |
Sales of other agricultural products |
Sales of other animal products |
Sales of other animals |
Sales of other products of marine origin |
Sales of poultry |
Sales of sheep |
Tomato |
Treasury bonds |
Vegetables |
Veteran and disability allowances |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.