Value |
Category |
Commdities are displayed on the ground |
Commdities displce on the ground |
Commodities are also diplace on ground |
Commodities are display on the ground |
Commodities are displayed on ground |
Commodities are displayed on ground and mat |
Commodities are displayed on ground and mats |
Commodities are displayed on the floor for sale. |
Commodities are displayed on the ground. |
Commodities are placed on ground. |
Commodities are spread on mats and containers |
Commodities are usually placed on the ground by se |
Commodities displayd on ground |
Display their commodities |
Don't Have Any |
Don't Have Any / Not In Use |
Go Home BeforeTwelve Mid Day |
Goods Spread on Ground |
Goods are spread on ground |
Goods are spread on the ground |
Goods are sread on ground |
Market Spread on Ground |
Market are place out side |
Market are spead on ground |
Market are spread on ground |
Market are spread on the ground |
Markets are spread on the ground |
Markets spread on ground |
No Tables |
Seller displace commodities on the ground |
Seller live in the community. |
Sellers Sale on the Floor |
Shop |
There also exist shop & table market in the area. |
They Sells on the Floor |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.