Value |
Category |
Can't compete in price |
Character of product |
Characters of products |
Difficult to find abroad market |
Difficult to transport |
Doing Bussiness Wel Locally |
Doing Well in local market |
Domestic Business only |
Due to Specification of the product |
Due to local specification |
Due to product's special specification |
Due to product's specification |
Enterprise is lack of business capacity to export |
Enterprise is too small, technique was limited |
Haven't got plan for export |
Lack of skillful workers |
Local big demand |
Location is not convinient for export |
Low in quality and quantity of Rice |
Material price increses and demand is decresed |
No experience about export |
No experience about foreign market |
No need to export |
No plan for export |
No profit |
Nomaking channel |
Not appropriate products for export |
Not policy of company |
Only for domestic demand |
Only provide services, install abroad |
Price |
Product's specification |
Products for local demands |
Run well in domestic market |
Sell very well in domestic market |
Small and not consider to export |
Small enterprise, lack of capital |
Specific characteristic |
Specific characters of product |
Specification of products: for domestic use |
Supplying domestic market is enough |
The capacity is very small |
The firm is too small |
Typical charactor of products |
Typical features of products |
Want to concentrate in to domestic market |
already high demand in domestic market |
cannot meet requirement of foreign markets |
characteristic of products hard for transport |
characters of product for local demand |
costly to preserve product fpr export |
costly to preserve products for export |
difficult for company to find parner oversea |
doing well in the local market |
enterprise has not researched export market |
foreign markets have no demand for these foods |
have not got the exporting method |
high demand from dosmetic market |
high demand from local market |
high potential needs from local market |
high transportation cost |
large domestic demand |
local product specification |
low demand from foreign market |
making ships when receive order |
meet the locall requirement |
no demand need |
no find market yet |
no intention to export |
no partner |
no partner to export |
no plan for export |
no purchasing order |
not aaply, daily consumption |
not find customer yet |
not find out the market yet |
not have ability to access international market |
not study foreign market yet |
not sufficient capacity |
not the company's policy |
not willing to widen yet |
packaging for domestic market |
product's characteristic |
products only meets domestic markets |
profit from export is not high |
quality cannot meet requipment of foreign market |
rich natural resource |
specialized goods |
the characteristic of products |
the firm has run business for short time |
the product is sold dosmetically |
this good can't export |
to supply for domestic market first |
typical character of product |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.