Interviewer instructions
Column (12) to (16): Particulars of vocational training: Columns (12) to (16) will be used to record particulars of vocational training received/ being received by persons of age 15 to 59 years. Procedure for recording the particulars in these columns is explained in the subsequent paragraphs.
Column (13): Field of training (code): Field of training in this column refers to the broad area/ trade, say, "Mechanical engineering trades", "Electrical and electronic trades", "Leather related work", etc., on which the formal vocational training has been received/being received by the household member. "Field of training" will be recorded in terms of 2 digit codes.
For a formal vocational training, if the "field of training" is not covered by any of the codes 01 to 21, code 99 will be assigned to that field of training. It may be noted that under a particular broad area of the training stated above, an individual may have received the vocational training for development of skill in specific area(s). For example, a vocational training may develop skill in specific area(s) like "blacksmithy", "fitter", etc., under the broad area "Mechanical engineering trades" or in the specific area "Cutting and Tailoring’ under the broad area "Textile related work" or in the specific area "Cane & Bamboo work" under the broad area "Artisan/ craftsman/ handicraft and cottage based production work". Specific areas and broad areas of the vocational training, in most cases, will be understood from the name of trade/training course.
To facilitate the collection of data on "field of training", an indicative list of specific areas on which one can receive the vocational training and the broad area covering the specific area(s) is given in Annexure 2. There may be cases where broad area of training can be understood from the specific area of training but the specific area is not covered under any of the broad areas in the list given in Annexure 2. For a person when more than one of the codes are applicable, last training received will be considered for giving code for "field of training".
Some instances for recording field of training are being illustrated with the help of the following examples:
1. A person has received a vocational training for which the name of the training course is "Fitter’. In this case the specific area of the training is ‘Fitter’ and the broad area will be ‘Mechanical engineering trades’. In this case, the entry against "field of training" will be the code for the broad area of training "Mechanical engineering trades", i.e., 01.
For the vocational training course "Cutting and Tailoring’, the specific area is "Cutting and Tailoring’, and the broad area will be "Textile related work’. In this case, the entry against "field of training" will be the code for the broad area of training "Textile related work", i.e., 07.