Interviewer instructions
Columns (16) to (20): These items are meant for identification of home-based workers/home-workers and study of their characteristics, and are to be canvassed for the self-employed persons, i.e., for code 11, 12 or 21 in col. 3, with industry groups/divisions 012, 014, 015 and divisions 02 to 99 (in col. 5). The item-wise details are given below.
Column (17): Who provided credit / raw material / equipment: Three questions are integrated under this column: credit, raw material and equipment. A composite code structure has been provided for recording the entries under this column. It is to be ascertained from the self-employed persons whether the "employer" who gives product-specifications (in terms of the order/contract) also provides credit/raw material/equipment to them. Here, "credit" means cash advance for a particular order or a group of orders and for working capital only (i.e., for purchase of raw material and meeting other running expenses). However, credit provided for purchase of equipment will not be considered as "credit" and instead will be considered as "provided for equipments".