Interviewer instructions
Column (22): Seeking or available or suitable for the type of occupation: This column is applicable for persons of age below 75 years and with codes 81 to 97 in column (3), i.e., for those who did not work but was seeking/ available for work or those who were out of labour force. Probing may be done to ascertain the type of occupation for which one was seeking or available or suitable and information so obtained may be recorded in terms of the appropriate 3-digit NCO-2004 code. It is expected that a person who is seeking a particular job, will generally opt for an occupation in which he/ she is proficient. Similarly, there may be a person who is not looking for a job effectively but may be available to do a particular type of job if the job is available to him/ her. The type of job for which he/ she is available will largely determine the type of occupation. In case a person is seeking/ available for more than one job, the type of occupation will be determined in respect of the job in which the person considers himself/herself most suitable based on his/ her proficiency, educational background, interest, etc. There may be a third category of persons who are neither available nor are seeking job, i.e., who are out of labour force. For them, type of occupation will be decided considering their opinion regarding the type of job that they feel suitable for them - had they been given an opportunity, which may depend upon educational qualification, interest, aptitude, skill of the individual.