Interviewer instructions
Columns (1) & (2): Serial number and age: In columns (1) and (2) of this block, serial number of each person and his/her age recorded in columns (1) and (5), respectively of block 4, will be copied. The serial numbers in block 5.3 will be entered sequentially as they appear in column (1) of block 4. Provision has been made to record particulars of five persons in one page. Three such sheets have been provided. In case more pages are required to record the particulars of all the persons listed in block 4, additional sheets of block 5.3 may be used. These sheets should be firmly stapled with the main schedule at the appropriate place.
Since a person may pursue more than one activity during the seven days of the reference week, four lines have been provided for each serial number recorded in column (1) for making separate entries relevant to the different activities on a day (two such activities) on different days of the reference week. Past experience indicates that provision of four lines will cover almost all the situations. However, if a person reports more than four different activities during the reference week the block of four lines meant for the next serial number of persons may be utilised by putting cross (x) marks in columns (1) and (2), and continuous serial numbers in column (3). Obviously, the particulars of the next person will be entered in the cell meant for serial number of persons subsequent to the cell already utilised for the previous person. In the case of children of age 0 - 4 years, their particulars will be entered and status code 97 will be assigned to them with intensity 1.0 for all the seven days preceding the date of survey without any probing.