Interviewer instructions
Columns (21) & (22): Industry and occupation: For persons with any of codes 11-72 in column (20), the 5-digit industry (NIC-2004) and 3-digit occupation (NCO-2004) will be recorded in these two columns. Note that to identify certain category of workers separately, NIC-2004 industry class code 9500 has been split. Those are to be considered here also. The industry and occupation will correspond to the economic activity in which the highest number of days have been spent as explained in the previous paragraph. In the cases where equal number of days is spent on two or more activities (like in case of person with serial number 4 in the above example) the industry and occupation corresponding to the activity appearing first in the code list in terms of status and industry (in urban areas) or in terms of status, industry and operation (in rural areas) will be noted in columns (21) & (22).