Interviewer instructions
Columns (8) to (14): Change in work activity status, industry, occupation and establishment during last 2 years: These columns will be filled in only for those who are employed in the usual principal status (i.e., persons with code 11-51 in col. 3). In columns (8) to (14) information on whether during the last 2 years, the person has changed - usual principal work activity status, industry associated with usual principal work activity, occupation associated with usual principal work activity and establishment will be ascertained and if a change in respect of work activity status, industry and occupation is reported, the earlier position in that regard would also be ascertained.
Column (14): Whether during last 2 years changed establishment: For the workers in the usual principal status, it will be ascertained whether they have changed their establishment (of work) during the last 2 years. The term establishment is used in a broad sense and will include all producing units including household enterprises. In this sense, a person changing from one section/department/organisation to another of the same establishment on a transfer/ promotion posting will not be considered as having changed establishment. However, if his/her nature of work in respect of NIC (at 2-digit level) or NCO (at 2-digit level) has changed consequent to this transfer/promotion, it will be considered as change of establishment. In case he/ she has lost or quit the earlier job and taken up a fresh job in another department or organisation, it will be taken as a change in establishment. Those reporting a change in establishment will be assigned code 1 and others will be assigned code 2.