Interviewer instructions
Columns (3) and (4): quantity and value: These columns relate to the consumption by the household during the reference period. Column (3) relates to the quantity of total consumption and column (4) to the corresponding value.
Consumption of clothing out of home production during the reference period will be evaluated at the producer's price. But consumption of clothing items made out of transfer receipts and receipts in exchange of goods and services will be evaluated at the retail price prevailing in the local market.
For "ready-made" garments, the unit of quantity will be "number". But if a household prepares a garment out of cloth purchased, then the item of consumption will be recorded as "cloth" and the quantity will be recorded in "metres". When any garment is sewn at home by a household member, its value will be equal to the value of cloth only. No labour charges for sewing of the garment need be included unless the sample household itself is running a tailoring shop. In case the household does have such a shop and a garment is sewn there, the value of cloth will be recorded against item 362 or 363 and the tailoring charge will be shown against item 486 of Block 10. Similarly, for a quilt made at home of which the materials (viz., cloth, stuffing, cotton, thread, etc.) were purchased, the quantity and value of the materials used will be shown against the respective items. The service charge paid to a hired person for making the quilt will be entered as tailoring charge against item 486 in Block 10.