Interviewer instructions
Columns (1) and (2): Item descriptions and codes are printed in these two columns.
Items 400-406: education: This is meant for recording expenses incurred in connection with education. It will include expenditure on goods purchased for the purpose of education, viz., books and journals, newspapers, paper, pencil, etc. It also includes fees paid to educational institutions (e.g., schools, colleges, universities, etc.) on account of tuition and other fees like game fees, library fees, development fees, etc. and payment to private tutors. Occasional payments to the school fund made on account of charities provided for indigent students are true donations and will not be included here as these are regarded as transfer payments. But all compulsory payments collected by educational institutions at the time of admission or along with the regular fees are regarded as part of the price paid for education and included in "education", even if termed "donations" by the institution collecting them. It may be noted that all kinds of books, magazines, journals, etc. including novels and other fiction will be covered under item 400. Expenditure on computer training, internet (exclusive of telephone charges); fees for music, dancing, swimming schools etc; schools for typing, short-hands etc; and training in physiotherapy, nursing etc. will be covered under item 406: other educational expenses.
Money sent to a son or daughter studying away from the parents' household is a remittance made by the parent household and should not be recorded in the parents' household even if the details of how the money is spent are known fully by the parents. In addition, from this round, tuition fees for a child staying in a hostel, even if paid directly by the parents (or guardians) to the educational institution, are not to be recorded in the parents' household. They are to be recorded in the student's household. Suitable questions should be put to the household to ascertain if the educational expenditure reported by it includes any expenditure (made on a regular basis) on tuition fees of a non-household member, so that such expenditure can be excluded. This is a departure from the expenditure approach generally followed for education.
Items 410-428: medical (institutional and non-institutional): This includes expenditure on medicines of different types and on medical goods; also, payments made to doctor, nurse, etc., on account of professional fees and those made to hospital, nursing home, etc. for medical treatment. Item 427 (family planning appliances) will include IUD (intra-uterine device), oral pills, condoms, diaphragm, spermicide (jelly, cream, foam tablet), etc. Expenditure incurred for clinical tests, X-ray, etc. will be recorded against items 412 or 425 (X-ray, ECG, pathological test, etc.). For Central government employees receiving medicines and medical services from CGHS dispensaries, only the monthly contribution made will be recorded. If, however, some medicine or service is purchased from outside during the reference period, the expenditure, even if reimbursed, is to be included. The distinction between institutional and non-institutional medical expenses, as mentioned in paragraph 5.9.1 above, lies in whether the expenses were incurred on medical treatment as an in-patient of a medical institution or otherwise. The item "medical insurance premium" (item 410) is to be recorded with a reference period of 365 days. It has been placed in Block 9 although such expenditure is not incurred as in-patient of a medical institution. Expenditure incurred on MTP (medical termination of pregnancy) may be recorded against item 415 or 428 depending on whether hospitalisation is necessary for MTP or not. Hiring charges for ambulance may likewise be recorded against item 415 or 428. However, transport expenses other than hiring charges of ambulance will be considered as travelling expenses and not as medical expenses.
It was mentioned in paragraph 5.9.1 that the amount of medical insurance premium will be recorded against item 410, but not used to compute household consumer expenditure. On the other hand, when an insurance company makes a payment to the sample household (or directly to a hospital under the "cashless" system) in settlement of a claim made by the household for medical reimbursement, the amount is to be shown as medical expenditure of the household against items 411 to 415. In other words, the value of medical goods and services on which expenditure is incurred will be recorded in Block 9 or Block 10,
- if incurred by the household itself, whether or not reimbursed by employer or insurance company,
- if paid by the employer or by the insurance company directly to the hospital.
Items 420-428: medical (non-institutional): As in the previous round, expenditure on medicine will be collected separately for five different types of medicines: allopathic (420), homeopathic (421), ayurvedic (422), unani (423) and other (424). It may be noted that in the rural areas, doctors often charge a consolidated amount for consultation plus the medicines which they give to the patient. In such cases, the total amount will be recorded against the relevant item among items 420 to 424.
Item 427: family planning appliances: This will also include various contraceptives including tablets such as Mala-D, Mala-N, etc.
Items 430-438: entertainment: This stands for entertainment and sports. Here consumption is represented by purchase of entertainment services or articles catering to entertainment. It is possible that on the occasion of attending sports or cinema/video show some expenditure is incurred on travelling and conveyance and/or on refreshment. Such expenditure will be excluded from this item group and will come under appropriate items reserved elsewhere in the schedule. Expenditure incurred on processing, developing, etc., of photographic film will be shown against item 435. Expenses incurred for hiring of video cassette/VCR/VCP will be recorded against item 436. But the expenditure incurred for viewing a video show will be recorded against item 430 (cinema, theatre). For item 433 (club fees) the last payment made divided by the number of months for which the amount was paid will be noted. But in case of payment of fees for lifetime membership, the entire amount paid for such membership during the reference period of 30 days will be recorded against this item. Expenses incurred on subscription to dish antenna, cable TV facilities, etc. will be included in item 437.
Item 457: other toilet articles: This will include cooler perfume, body perfume, room perfume, etc.
Item 467: washing soap/soda: This will include washing soap in cake form, powdered form and also in liquid form (detergent powder is also to be reported) and washing soda.
Item 468: other washing requisites: It includes brushes, utensil cleaners, steel wool, etc.
Item 480: insurance premium: other: Expenditure incurred during the last 30 days on non-life insurance premium other than medical insurance premium will be entered against this item.
Item 481: domestic servant/ cook: Wages paid to domestic servant/cook may be recorded against this item. It will include the value of both cash and kind payment. (This is a departure from instructions given in earlier rounds.) However, meals prepared in the household and consumed by a domestic servant will be accounted against the ingredients and will not be shown separately as payment to domestic servant/ cook against item 481. Entries against items used as means of payment (kind payment) to a domestic servant/ cook, such as clothing and miscellaneous goods, will be made in the household of the domestic servant/ cook and not in the employer household.
Item 482: attendant: This item is meant for recording the expenditure incurred on persons engaged by the household to look after an ailing member, or a child, or an aged person in the household. However, medical services rendered by a nurse, even if performed within the household, will be recorded against item 428 (other medical expenses). In case a person?s duties include those usually performed by domestic servants as well as those of an attendant, the payment made to him/ her may be recorded against item 482.
Item 484: barber, beautician, etc.: The actual expenditure incurred for availing of the services of barber, beautician, etc. will be considered as the consumer expenditure of the household. Expenditure both in cash and in kind will be taken into account. In the villages the barber charges might be paid in kind annually. In such cases, if the payment in kind for the year is made during the reference month, the entire payment is to be evaluated at the local retail price and accounted for. On the other hand, if no payment was made during the reference month then no expenditure should be recorded.
Note: If a sample household is running a barber's shop and a member of that household has availed himself of the service then the barber charges will be imputed at the prevailing rate and recorded against item 484.
Item 488/490: telephone charges: Telephone charges are to be recorded separately for landline phones and mobiles. For domestically installed telephones, the telephone bill last cleared divided by the period in months for which it was charged (i.e., monthly average payable) will be considered as the expenditure to be recorded even if the expenditure was not incurred during the reference period of 30 days. Cases of new telephone connections for which no bill has been paid till the date of survey may be ignored. Bills paid periodically as charges for mobile telephone calls will be treated similarly. Security deposit made for the installation of telephone connection is excluded. However, installation charges paid to the telephone department like labour charges, cost of wire, etc. will be included under this item. In addition, expenditure incurred during the reference period of last 30 days for making telephone calls from STD/PCO booth or others' telephones will be accounted against this item. Expenditure incurred on the purchase of mobile phone (instrument) will not be included in this item. Instead, it will be included against item 633 of block 11.
Item 492: miscellaneous expenses: This item will include expenses such as application fees for employment, etc., subscriptions to societies and similar organisations, and generally, expenditure on any other „miscellaneous? items relevant to the block and not provided in the list of items. If water is purchased through tanker, porter, etc., the expenditure incurred will also be recorded here. It will also include e-mail charges, fax charges, photocopying charges, etc.
Item 494: legal expenses: This will include charges like lawyer's fees, legal and court fees, etc.
Item 495: repair charges for non-durables: This will include service charges paid to artisans for repairing any item of miscellaneous goods not used for productive purposes but used as items of domestic consumption.
Item 496: pet animals (incl. birds, fish): This item will include expenditure incurred for purchase and maintenance of pet animals. Pet animals include cats, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, mongoose, birds, fish, etc., but not farm animals or poultry. Maintenance expenses will include cost of feed, treatment expenses, etc.
Item 497: other consumer services excluding conveyance: All other consumer services excluding conveyance will be reported here. Examples are: (i) the services of driver, coachman, cleaner, cobbler, blacksmith, unskilled labourers, etc., (ii) commission paid to the broker for purchase or sale of second-hand car/scooter etc., (iii) reconnection charge for electric/telephone line.
Items 500-513: conveyance: Expenditure incurred on account of journeys undertaken and/or transportation of goods made by airways, railways, bus, tram, steamer, motor car (or taxi), motor-cycle, auto-rickshaw, bicycle, rickshaw (hand-drawn and cycle) horse carriage, bullock cart, hand-cart, porter or any other means of conveyance will be recorded against the respective items of conveyance. The expenditure will be the actual fare paid. Expenditure on journeys undertaken by household members as part of official tours will not be considered as consumer expenditure of the household. But journeys to commute to and from place of work are to be included here. The expenditure incurred on journeys undertaken under LTC, etc., even if reimbursed, is to be included. In case of owned conveyance, the cost of petrol and diesel are to be shown against items 508 and 510 respectively, and cost of all other fuels (including CNG) and lubricants against item 511. Expenses for animal feed for animal-drawn carriage used for domestic purposes will be recorded under item 513. For item 501 (railway fare), season tickets valid for more than a month will be treated differently from other railway fare expenditure. Value of season tickets valid for more than a month and held during the reference period by a household member, will be divided by the number of months covered by the ticket to get the amount to be recorded. For all other railway fare expenditure, the amount actually paid during the reference period will be recorded.
Item 502: bus/tram fare: This includes expenditure incurred by the members of the household during the reference period in a public/private/government bus/tram in the capacity of individual passenger. If a bus is hired by the sample household for transportation of guests, the hiring charges will not be included against this item; instead they will be accounted against item 513 (other conveyance expenses).
The expenditure incurred on any form of conveyance used during the reference period partly for household enterprise and partly for domestic purposes will be apportioned on the basis of the number of kilometres travelled for each type of use. In case the information on distance travelled is not available, the apportionment will be done on the basis of duration of use, say, number of hours or days used for enterprise and domestic purposes. In case information on actual number of days engaged in enterprise or in domestic use is also not available, it will be done on the basis of "normal use". The word "normal" refers to a period beyond the reference period.
Item 520: house rent, garage rent (actual): This item consists of rent for residential building and garage rent for private vehicle(s) of the household. Amount last paid divided by the number of months for which the payment was made will be recorded here. The procedure laid down for recording payment of telephone charges is also applicable to other starred items of this block. The rent for government quarters will be the amount of house rent allowance (HRA) per month not paid to (i.e., forfeited by) the employee plus the license fee deducted per month from the salary for the quarters. The same procedure will be followed for imputation of house rent if the employer is a private sector firm; here it will be necessary to rely on the judgement of the informant regarding the amount of salary he is forfeiting by staying in a accommodation provided by the employer. If some amount of money was paid by the household as advance at the time of hiring the house, only that part of the advance which is being deducted every month plus the actual amount paid every month towards rent, will be the amount to be recorded as house rent. Salami/ pugree will not be considered anywhere in the schedule.
Money sent to a dependant forming a different household from the sender's household is a remittance and should not be recorded in the sender's household even if the details of how the money is spent are known fully by the sender. In addition, from this round, rent paid regularly for a dependant who is a non-household member is not to be recorded in the payer household even if paid directly to the landlord (or to the hostel authorities, in case of a student living in a hostel). Such expenditure is to be recorded in the household of the person using the accommodation (e.g., in case of a student in a hostel, charges for accommodation are to be recorded against item 520 in the student household). Suitable questions should be put to the sample household to ascertain if the rent expenditure reported by it includes any expenditure on rent for the dwelling a non-household member, so that such expenditure can be excluded. This is a departure from the expenditure approach followed for miscellaneous goods and services generally. It follows that for a household living in a rented dwelling (code 2 in item 8, Block 3), the entry in Block 10, item 520, should be positive.
Item 521: hotel lodging charges: The lodging charges paid by any household member for staying in a hotel, etc. will be recorded under this item. Expenditure on hotel stay during official tours covered by travelling allowance paid by the employer is excluded.
Item 522: other consumer rent: Hiring charges for consumer goods like furniture, electric fans, crockery, utensils and charges for decoration on ceremonial occasions are to be recorded here. If any item is hired on monthly/quarterly/annual basis then the amount of last payment on such goods divided by the number of months for which the payment was made will be taken into account. Note that hiring of a vendor cart by the sample household to run an enterprise will be excluded. But monthly maintenance charges payable to co-operative societies, etc. will be included in this item.
Item 539: house rent, garage rent (imputed - urban only): This item will be filled in for urban households residing in a house which is either owned or otherwise occupied (excluding accommodation provided by the employer) by the household, without paying any rent. Otherwise a dash (-) may be recorded. Rent of the house/garage will be imputed on the basis of prevailing rate of rent for similar accommodation in the locality or surrounding areas. A household may occupy a dwelling unit which is neither owned, nor hired in. In such cases also the imputed rent will be recorded.
Item 540: water charges: Water charges last paid to the municipality or other local bodies divided by the number of months for which the amount was paid may be recorded against this item. If water is purchased through tanker, etc., the expenditure incurred will not be recorded here - even if the water is solely used for household consumption - but against item 492: miscellaneous expenses.
Item 541: other consumer taxes & cesses: This item is for recording the expenditure on taxes and cesses paid by the household as a domestic consumer. Only taxes and cesses which are considered to be levied on the household as a consumer unit are included. Road cess, chowkidari tax, municipal rates are some examples. Consumer licence fees will also be included. Examples are fees paid for possession of firearms, vehicles, etc. Sometimes, while purchasing a new vehicle, road tax for whole life of the vehicle is paid. In such cases, the proportionate tax for the reference period is to be calculated by dividing the life tax last paid with the life of the vehicle in months. The life may be taken as per norm decided by the local transport authority or 15 years (180 months), in case it is not otherwise ascertained. For taxes and cesses paid on monthly/quarterly/annual/quinquennial basis, the entry will be the amount last paid divided by the number of months for which it was paid.
Note: Professional tax and income tax are not part of consumer expenditure.