Interviewer instructions
Column 9 to Column 12: Usual principal activity particulars of household members: The usual principal activity particulars of each member of the household will be collected in these columns. This will include information on activity status of the household members and industry of work and occupation for working members. The particulars of usual activity are collected with reference period of 365 days preceding the date of survey. The relevant concepts like 'activity status', 'economic activity', ‘usual principal activity', 'usual subsidiary economic activity', etc. are explained in Chapter One. The description of the items and the procedure for recording them are explained in the following paragraphs.
Columns 10 to 12: Principal industry-occupation: Columns 10 to 12 will be filled-in for those who are 'working', i.e., those with any one of codes 11, 12, 21, 31, 41, or 51 in column 9. The description of the industry-occupation relevant to the type of economic activity pursued by the person in the status recorded in column 9 will be given in column 10. The corresponding 5-digit industry code (NIC-2004) and the 3-digit occupation code (NCO-2004) will be entered in columns 11 and 12, respectively. In case, two or more industry-occupation combinations corresponding to the status code given in column 9 have been reported by a person, the principal industry-occupation will be the one in which relatively more time has been spent during the preceding 365 days by the person.
It may be noted that industry Divisions 96 and 97 of NIC-2004 will not be used for collection of information on industry. The entire activities described under Division 97 are not considered as economic activities in the NSS survey. A part of the activities under Division 96 (viz. hunting and gathering, farming and the production of shelter), is considered as economic activities in NSS surveys and the industry of these undifferentiated activities will be judged in the usual manner as is done now i.e., by considering the industry-occupation in which major time is spent. Thus, this part of undifferentiated activities of Division 96 will get classified against the respective industries under divisions 01-14 relating to the primary sector or 45 relating to construction. The rest of Division 96 will not be considered as economic activity for the NSS survey.