Current weekly activity status: The current weekly activity status of a person is the activity status obtaining for a person during a reference period of 7 days preceding the date of survey. It is decided on the basis of a certain priority cum major time criterion. According to the priority criterion, the status of "working" gets priority over the status of "not working but seeking or available for work", which in turn gets priority over the status of "neither working nor available for work". A person is considered working (or employed)) if he/ she, while pursuing any economic activity, had worked for at least one hour on at least one day during the 7 days preceding the date of survey. A person is considered "seeking or available for work (or unemployed)" if during the reference week no economic activity was pursued by the person but he/ she made efforts to get work or had been available for work any time during the reference week though not actively seeking work in the belief that no work was available. A person who had neither worked nor was available for work any time during the reference week, is considered to be engaged in non-economic activities (or not in labour force). Having decided the broad current weekly activity status of a person on the basis of "priority" criterion, the detailed current weekly activity status is again decided on the basis of "major time" criterion if a person is pursuing multiple economic activities.