Interviewer instructions
Columns 4 to 6: Particulars during staying away: For those household members who had stayed away from the village/ town for a period of 1 month of more but less than 6 months during the last 365 days, i.e., for those with entry 1 in column 3, particulars on the ‘number of spells’, ‘destination’ during the longest spell and if worked (i.e., if engaged in any economic activity), ‘industry of work’, at 2-digit level of NIC-2004, for the longest duration of work will be collected in columns 4 to 6, respectively.
Columns (5): Destination during the longest spell: A household member may have stayed away from the village/ town in a number of spells of varying durations during the last 365 days. Among all such spells, the place where the household member had stayed for the longest period will be ascertained.