Interviewer instructions
Columns 8 to 16 : Columns 8 to 16 will be filled in only for those persons whose place of enumeration is different from the place of last upr (i.e., for those with code 1 recorded in column 7).
Column 9: Nature of movement: Among those who had reported change in the usual place of residence in column 7, the nature of their movement will be collected.
The nature of movement is classified as either temporary or permanent. The movement of the household member to the place of enumeration may be treated as a temporary migration, if he/she intends to move again to the last usual residence or to any other place. If the household member, in normal course, is likely to stay at the place of enumeration and does not plan to move out of the place of enumeration, it will be treated as a permanent migration. If the nature of migration is temporary and the expected duration of stay of the household member is less than 12 months in the village/town then code 1 will be recorded. For those household members who had temporary nature of movement but with expected duration of stay for 12 months or more code 2 will be recorded. If the nature of migration is permanent code 3 will be recorded.