Literal question
[5.1] Usual principal activity particulars of household members
[Questions 4-6]
4. Description ____
5. Industry code as per NIC-1998 _ _ _ _ _
6. Occupation code as per NCO-1968 _ _ _
For persons with industry groups 012, 014, 015 and divisions 02 - 99 in question 5
[Questions 8-15 were asked of persons whose industry groups are 012, 014, 015 and divisions 02-99 per question 5.]
11. Number of workers in the enterprise:
[] 1 Less than 6
[] 2 6 to 9
[] 3 10 and above but less than 20
[] 4 20 and above
[] 9 Not known
Interviewer instructions Block 5.1: Usual principal activity particulars of household members: The usual principal activity particulars of each member of the household will be collected in this block. This will include information on industry-occupation of the working members, some particulars of the enterprises in which they are working and conditions of employment for the persons employed as regular wage/salaried employee and casual labour. The particulars of usual activity are collected with reference to a period of 365 days preceding the date of survey. The relevant concepts like 'activity status', 'economic activity', 'usual principal activity', 'usual subsidiary economic activity', etc. are explained in Chapter One. The description of the items and the procedure for recording them are explained below: Columns (8) to (15): Particulars of enterprise and conditions of employment: For persons with industry groups 012, 014, 015 and divisions 02 to 99 in col. (5), particulars of the enterprises where the household members are usually engaged will be recorded in columns (8) to (11), and conditions of employment will be recorded in columns (12) to (15) for those with status codes 31, 41 or 51 in column (3). Note that in this block the particulars to be collected in columns (8) to (15) will pertain to the principal status (col. 3) and industry (col. 5) obtained for the person. Column (11): Number of workers in the enterprise: Number of workers would mean the number of workers employed in the enterprise on an average on a day of operation, irrespective of whether they are hired worker or household members working in the enterprise. The number of workers that includes working owner(s), will be recorded in terms of codes as detailed below:
1. Less than 6
2. 6 to 9
3. 10 and above but less than 20
4. 20 and above
9. Not known
In case the informant is not able to provide information on the number of workers, code 9 will be recorded.