The following are some of the agricultural practices:
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - refers to the appropriate utilization of several pest and disease control measures as cultural, chemical and biological means resulting in productive and sustainable crop production.
Cultivation of Genetically Modified Crops - refers to the cultivation of living organisms that possess a novel combination of genetic material through the used of modern biotechnology; combining genes from different organisms known as recombinant DNA technology, and the resulting organism is said to be "genetically modified", "genetically engineered", or "transgenic".
Cultivation of Hybrid Rice - refers to the cultivation of intervarietal crosses involving two genetically different parents. The combination of two positive qualities of the parent-plants results in what scientists refer to as "heterosis" or unusual hybrid vigor wherein the young seedlings are highly vigorous and the matured plant has better reproductive characteristics.
Cultivation of BT Corn/Yield Guard - refers to the cultivation of Bacillus Thuringensis, a genetically- modified corn variety containing proteins that kill corn borer. Yield Guard refers to other term for BT Corn commonly used by seed growers that appears in their packaging.
Organic Agriculture - refers to the ecological management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity and is based on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. It is characterized as farming without synthetic chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and conventional fertilizers. Some of the practices are: planned crop rotation, green manures and crop covers, manuring and composting, intercropping and companion planting, biological pest control, sanitation, tillage and cultivation, mulching, fire, supplemental fertilization, biorational pesticides, foliar fertilization, esoteric practices, and buffers and barriers.