a. Agricultural produce market – tiange, oksyon market, landing center
b. Agri product processing facilities- rice and corn mill, food processing plant
c. Agri machinery maintenance facilities – repair shops of machineries
d. Veterinary services – covers all professional veterinary services used to protect animal health for the livestock dept on the holding, including treatment of diseases, artificial insemination, vaccination, and surgical procedures, it includes services provided by government organizations, such as through veterinary field workers, as well as by the private sector.
e. Animal laboratory – animal breeding center
f. Credit institution – cooperative, pawnshop,bank
g. Stores for farm inputs – stores selling fertilizers, pesticides
h. Dressing plants - an establishment, either private or governmentowned/operated/managed whose premises are approved and registered by the controlling authority in which poultry are dressed for human consumption.
i. Slaughterhouse (Abattoir) - an establishment, either private or governmentowned/operated/managed whose premises are approved and registered by the controlling authority in which animals such as cattle, carabao, hogs, horses,
and goat, are slaughtered for human consumption.
j. Educational institution – day care center, nursery, primary, intermediate, elementary, high school, college/university, vocational/technical
k. Postal service – post office
l. Radio, telephone, internet services – or other information dessimination
m. Health facilities – barangay health station, rural health unit, puericulture center, clinic/lying-in, hospital, drug store, trained paramedics, traditional healer
n. Barangay hall – place where the barangay officials conduct meetings
o. Police outpost/barangay outpost – or either detachment or camp
p. Farm to market road – a road leading from farm to municipal road excluding provincial and national roads.
q. Places of recreation – basketball courts, badminton court, gymnasium
r. Place of worship – chapel, church, mosque
s. Personal services shops – beauty parlor, barber shop
t. Eateries and food shops – carinderia, bakery
u. Electricity connection – presence of electricity