Activity - contains the different activities involve in garlic production such as:
Clearing of field - the removal of small trees, pulling of dry roots and weeds, stones and other waste materials in the field.
Plowing - the initial tillage operations in the field to break the soil surface using a plow.
Harrowing - pulverizing and levelling the field with a harrow.
Plotting / Levelling of Plots - involves cultivation of the soil in order to have a leveled, uniform slope.
Sorting / Selection of planting materials - select fully matured and well developed bulbs to get medium to large cloves.
Planting - direct seeding of bulbs.
Mulching - a method of maintaining moisture around the plant especially during dry months. This may be accomplished by putting decayed farm wastes or residues around the base of plants. The commonly used mulching materials are rice straws, rice hulls, cut grass, leaves, chopped weeds, and banana stalks.
Weeding - removal or pulling of weeds or unwanted plants which usually grow among cultivated plants.
Fertilizer Application - application of plant nutrient to the proper places in the soil.
Chemical Spraying - application of chemicals to protect the plants from insects, pests and diseases.
Harvesting - pulling individual plants by hand.
Hauling - bringing the produce to the place where it will be temporarily stocked (or to the farmer's house).
Braiding - tying together harvested garlic by intertwining their stalks together to form durable handle by which the garlic can be gripped together in smaller groups of heads.
Drying - a natural method of drying since it relies mainly on solar energy and natural air movement.