Status of ownership
Privately-Owned Farms - farms owned and operated by private individuals, corporation, etc. who have rights and common ownership, responsibilities and management of a lawful business enterprise
Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) - is a Government certificate made out on a prescribed judicial farm and issued under the signature of the register of deeds certifying that the person therein named is the transfer owner of the property described therein without any limitation excepting those noted thereon and those prescribed by law
Tax Declaration - that which is mandated by the Government upon its citizens to declare so as to determine the tax liability/ies of the latter (citizens)
Government Farms - farms owned operated by the government for the purpose of demonstration, research and experiment
Fishpond Lease Agreement (FLA) - covers government-owned fishpond leased from the government to a single proprietorship, corporation, partnership or cooperative for a maximum period of 25 years, renewable based on the extent of development and progress performed by the lessor
Lessee - refers to a person who takes full economic risk and technical initiative and responsibility in the administration of the farm but pays certain fixed amount of rental to the owner
Demonstration Farm - a kind of farm purposely establishes to demonstrate and improve new and existing agriculture technologies and the area to serve as show-window for such project
Research / Experimental Farm - a kind of farm purposely established to conduct and develop new techniques / technology on the culture and management of different aquatic organisms and other related studies
LGU Farm - it can be either be a demonstration, nursery or hatchery farms, fry banks and aquaculture centers or stations that is being run and manage by any local government units