The following are the types of culture system:
1. Monoculture. Refers to the culture of single species in one compartment
2. Polyculture. Refers to the culture of two or more species in one compartment
3. Others. Refers to other culture systems not classified above.
1. Staking. A culture method where bamboo poles either whole or halved are driven into the bottom where the water is not less than 1 meter deep during the lowest tide. These are aligned and spaced at 1 to 2 feet. The bamboo poles act as collectors
2. Hanging. An off-bottom method of culture that is suitable in relatively deeper waters of at least 2.5 meters depth during the lowest tide. Empty oyster shells or coconut shells are used as collectors. The shells are hung to a meter of no. 10 galvanized iron wire having a space of about 4 inches by a loop on the wire
3. Spreading. This culture method makes use of stones, gravels, empty oyster shells, and other media as collectors. These are positioned in hard bottom areas where natural populations of oysters/mussels are known to occur
4. Others
1. Bottom monoline. Monolines are constructed by the use of mangrove post or wooden stakes anchored/staked deep into the substrate at 10 meters apart and 32-cm. interval in rows.
2. Floating monoline. A method where a raft or longlines can be constructed in any way feasible as long as it will buoy up the line with plants, which are at least 30-cm. submerged in water.
3. Triangular. This method uses polyethylene rope #12 as cultivation line fixed five meters from the bottom through a wooden stake embedded firmly to the seabed. A rope of smaller size (#7) is used to construct a triangle
4. Others.