Value |
Category |
111 |
Port-au-Prince |
112 |
Delmas |
113 |
Carrefour |
114 |
Pétion-Ville |
211 |
Jacmel |
221 |
Bainet |
311 |
Cap-Haïtien |
312 |
Quartier Morin |
341 |
Saint Raphaël |
352 |
Port Margot |
421 |
Ouanaminthe |
432 |
Sainte Suzanne |
513 |
L'Estère |
531 |
Saint Marc |
541 |
Dessalines |
552 |
Marmelade |
612 |
Maïssade |
632 |
Belladères |
642 |
Thomassique |
711 |
Les Cayes |
713 |
Chantal |
731 |
Aquin |
742 |
Port-à-Piment |
811 |
Jérémie |
823 |
Les Irois |
842 |
Petite Rivière de Nippes |
913 |
Bassin Bleu |
934 |
Jean Rabel |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.