Value |
Category |
421 |
other home appliances and devices |
421.010009765625 |
421.029998779297 |
421.040008544922 |
421.049987792969 |
421.059997558594 |
421.119995117188 |
422 |
other lighting devices |
423 |
the other electro goods |
431 |
other pharfor-faience utensils |
431.010009765625 |
431.019989013672 |
431.049987792969 |
432 |
other metal utensils |
432.010009765625 |
433 |
other glasswares |
433.010009765625 |
433.029998779297 |
434 |
payment for utensils |
434.019989013672 |
441 |
synthetic carpets |
442 |
synthetic carpet items |
443 |
Íàâîëî÷êè |
443.010009765625 |
443.019989013672 |
444 |
other textile products |
444.010009765625 |
444.019989013672 |
444.059997558594 |
445 |
other coverings |
451 |
other tools |
452 |
other |
453 |
other subjects of conditions |
454 |
other subjects of home use |
461 |
spare parts to electrodevices |
611 |
garage for the automobile |
711 |
the radio receiver |
711.010009765625 |
711.02001953125 |
711.030029296875 |
711.049987792969 |
712 |
games hookup |
712.010009765625 |
712.02001953125 |
712.030029296875 |
713 |
subjects of a photo |
713.010009765625 |
713.030029296875 |
714 |
spare parts to teleradio equipment |
714.010009765625 |
714.030029296875 |
715 |
diskettes and cartridges |
715.010009765625 |
721 |
fishing accessories |
731 |
other writing goods |
732 |
the other printed editions |
734 |
other goods |
811 |
the other goods |
812 |
the other goods |
812.02001953125 |
812.030029296875 |
813 |
repair and manufacturing of jeweller products |
813.010009765625 |
813.039978027344 |
814 |
cream for footwear |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.