Value |
Category |
ahýl |
ahýr |
ahýr (evin altýnda) |
ahýr + samanlýk |
ahýr - samanlýk |
ahýr 1957 |
ahýr 1994 |
ahýr açýk |
ahýr betonarme |
ahýr samanlýk |
ahýr-samanlýk |
amanlýk |
ambar |
ardiye |
aðýl |
aðýr |
betonarme ahýr |
depo |
depo ambar |
depo meyve deposo |
depo(ambar) |
depo-hangar |
et tavukçuluðu kümesi |
garaj |
gübrelik |
kümes |
kümrs |
samalýk |
saman |
samancýlýk |
samanlýk |
samanlýk(depo,ev) |
smanlýk |
soðuk depo |
tavuk kümesi |
tavuk kümesi |
tek odalý malzeme deposu v |
yem deposu |
yumurta tavukçuluðu tesisi |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.