1. What was your employment status in your primary occupation?
Employer (with employees)
Own account worker
Unpaid family worker
Group worker
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Question post text
3. Own account worker -> Skip to Q.3
4. Unpaid family worker -> Skip to Q.3
5. Group worker -> Skip to Q.3
This is defined as the status of an economically active individual with respect to his/her employment. He or she may be classified as an employer, employee, own account worker, unpaid family worker, or group
worker, as defined below:
Employer: A person who operates his or her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade, and hires one or more paid workers (employees).
Employee: A person who works for a public or private employer and receives remuneration in wages, salary, commission, tips, pi or any pay in kind, either on casual or regular basis.
Own account worker (employing only unpaid family worker): A person who operates his or her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade, and hires no paid employees.
(he/she may utilise unpaid family workers.) This category includes persons engaged in production for own consumption and for sale.
Unpaid family worker: A person who worked at least one hour during the last week preceding the date of enumeration, without pay, in an economic enterprise operated by a related person living in the same
Group worker: A person who works as a group worker, equally shares the income or not. For example; fisherman, construction workers, etc. are generally considered as group workers.