Question pretext
This section only applies to households with a member belonging to a (sampled) TASAF group in the village (maximum of 3 TASAF groups sampled per village). That is HH's in strata 2-7 (and possibly also stratum 1 if the HH has a TASAF member). Within those households, the personal consumption questions are ONLY asked to 1) TASAF members (of sampled TASAF groups in village) and to 2) household members meeting the NARROW VG criteria of ANY of the (sampled) TASAF groups (maximum of 3 groups sampled) in the village. If the household
does not belong to strata {2-7}, no names are listed and section T6G should be entirely skipped. Otherwise, complete form T6GA for each person listed.
Literal question
In the past 12 months did [NAME] acquire any recreation and entertainment: video halls, disco, sport events, etc.?