Interviewer instructions
3.2 Building
A building is defined as a physical structure which is separate and independent from any other, comprising one or more rooms, or other space, covered by a roof and enclosed within external walls or dividing walls which extend from the foundations to the roof and is designed for residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial or cultural purposes or for the provision of services. Detached rooms relating to main buildings are treated as part of the main buildings; for example, detached kitchens, toilets, helpers' quarters, garages, etc.
A building may be a detached dwelling, apartment building, factory, shop, warehouse, repair shop, etc.
3.3 Housing unit
A housing unit is a building or buildings used for living purposes at the time of the Census.
Section 2: Characteristics of housing units
5.16 Question 2.1
This question can be completed from observation. If, of course, there are any doubts, ask the respondent to clarify.
Illustrations of the different types of units are included in the appendices to this manual. Examine them carefully. Pay particular attention to the attached units, which increasingly have become dominant types of units, especially in the urban areas.
Separate house - detached: This is the most common type of unit. This is the type usually constructed for occupation by a single household and which has open space on all four sides. Include here duplex houses, which are separated by garages.
Attached units: Include in this category all units that are joined to each other by at least one wall. These include apartment buildings, town-houses, urbanas, quadrominiums, etc. These latter are new types of units found mostly in the Greater Portmore area of St. Catherine.
Part of commercial building: The term "commercial" is used here to include all non-residential buildings. This includes therefore all cases where a household occupies part of a building which was intended for use mainly as a business place or other non-living unit.
Improvised housing unit: This is an independent makeshift shelter or structure built usually of wasted materials and generally considered unfit for habitation which is being used as living quarters at the time of the census, usually by one household.
Other: Include here any type of housing unit which does not fit any of the 36 categories mentioned; boats, tents, trailers, etc. are examples.