Literal question
3.9 What is the main method of garbage disposal for this household?
[] 1 Regular public collection system
[] 2 Irregular public collection system
[] 3 Private collection system
[] 4 Burn
[] 5 Bury
[] 6 Dumping in sea/river/pond/gully
[] 7 Dumping in own yard
[] 8 Dumping at municipal site
[] 9 Other dumping
[] 10 Other method of disposal
[] 99 Not stated
Interviewer instructions
5.27 Question 3.9: Disposal of solid waste
This question refers to method of disposal of solid waste (garbage) by the household. In cases where the household uses more than one method of disposal, determine from the respondent the main method of disposal.
Regular public collection system: Refers to a collection system where garbage is collected on a regular basis i.e. during a specified time period such as twice weekly or once monthly, by the government or a government related agency: for example, Metropolitan Parks and Markets, Central Parks and Markets, etc.
Irregular public collection system: Refers to a collection system where garbage is collected by the government or a government related agency but not on a regular basis i.e. collection is done in an unpredictable manner.
Private collection system: This is scored where a private company is authorized to collect garbage.
Burn: This applies when the household's main disposal of garbage is by burning.
Bury: This refers to the disposal of garbage by burying in a hole in the ground. This may be done in one's own yard or at some other location.
Dumping in sea/river/pond/gully: This describes the disposal of garbage into the sea, river, pond or gully.
Dumping in own yard: This refers to the disposal of garbage by throwing in the back yard. It should not be confused with burying, however which involves the digging a hole.
Dumping at a municipal site: This applies to instances where garbage is taken by the respondent to a site identified by local authorities as a dump.
Other dumping: Include here all other types of dumping not identified.
Other method of garbage disposal: Score this for all other types of disposal methods not mentioned previously.