Literal question
[Questions 1.1 - 1.5 for all persons]
1.5 What is your/ [the respondent's] religious affiliation or denomination?
[] 1 Anglican
[] 2 Baptist
[] 3 Brethren
[] 4 Church of God in Jamaica
[] 5 Church of God of Prophecy
[] 6 Jehovah's Witness
[] 7 Judaism
[] 8 Methodist
[] 9 Moravian
[] 10 New Testament Church of God
[] 11 Other church of God
[] 12 Pentecostal
[] 13 Roman Catholic
[] 14 Seventh Day Adventist
[] 15 United Church
[] 16 Baha'i
[] 17 Hinduism
[] 18 Islam
[] 19 Rastafarian
[] 20 Other
[] 21 None
[] 99 Not stated
Interviewer instructions
5.44 Question 1.5: Religious affiliation/denomination
This question seeks to determine association with a religion. The word affiliation could cause some amount of confusion in people's minds, but to most people it will mean the "church" they belong to or regularly attend. The question seeks to determine association with all religions, and not just Christianity. Non-Christian religions include Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Baha'i. For the Christian religion, to which the majority of Jamaicans conform, the traditional denominations are listed. Do not confuse denomination with religion. Denominations represent church groups within Christianity. The list contains both denominations (of the Christian church) and religions. If the respondent indicates that he or she belongs to one of those specified, mark the relevant position. Remember that the United Church represents a union of Presbyterians, Congregational and Disciples of Christ. Check "Other" for any denomination or religion not identified. Score "None" for those individuals who indicate that they do not belong to any religion and or denomination.